Chapter 1

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The bug tribe's anomaly

No ones POV:

The leader of the bug  tribe has a quick announcement from it's other bug anomalies.

"Everyone please come forward here at the main area. I repeat everyone please come forward here at the main area I have an excited and an important announcement"
Said the leader of the bug tribe

Everyone from the village of the bug tribe followed on what their leader meant.

??? POV: (Before the announcement)

Its been years since me and best friend liu had been separated from each other.

'Welp it's time from my morning daily routine' I said to myself  I really loved talking to myself =w= but I'm not that crazy after all

' Toink Toink ToinkI heard my robot pal is doing on what it's doing or its just saying Good morning to me.

'Mornin pal.' I greeted my pal back and ruffle them

I hop out of my bed and started to do my daily warm-ups. After doing my warm-ups,I  grab some of my clothes and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

After taking my wonderful and splendid bath and changing my clothes that I wore everyday. 'Ava! Honey! Come down stairs, it's time for breakfast!!!'  I heard my mom is calling my name 'Coming mom! I just need to get my cyber glasses!' I replied back and went back to my room and get my cyber glasses and also I don't want to forget to grab my robot pal. I come down stairs and greeted my mom good morning. 'Mornin mom! Were's dad?' I asked my mom 'He's going to work early honey, here I made pancakes for breakfast.' My mom replied back and gave me pancakes my FAVORITE breakfast! 'Thanks mom!' 'Your welcome honey' .

After I ate my delicious breakfast ofcourse I also wash the plates, clean the house and do my daily chores. Until.....


I heard knocking coming from the living room, I didn't get the door open because I hadn't finished my chores but my mom will open it in 3    2    1    

'Who is it?' My mom ask

'Knock Knock' I heard a voice that is very familiar

'*chuckles* who's there~'  Wait... did I just heard my mom chuckle?


'Lemme who~'

'Lemme in or I will fly away and never return'

'*Giggles* of course you can come in flora' 

I knew it! I knew it was flora who's making a punny knock knock jokes

'Sup mrs.G is ava here?' Flora asked my mom

"I'm here punnyfly!" I shouted and I just break the rule

'AVA! NO SHOUTING IN THE HOUSE!!' Oh sh*t I'm dead

'Its fine mrs.G  she still hasn't changed at all'

Flora tries to comfort Ava's mom

'*sigh* I know'

"Oops, sorry mom!" And I shouted again

'MRS. AVA GREEN DO YOU HAVE ANY RESPECT  AT ALL!!' I heard flora yelled and stomping her feet and went to the kitchen finding, but then she finally did found me

"Hey, I said I was sorry. And yes, I do have some respect unlike you punnyfly" I said in a calm voice and started teasing my bestfriend Flora

'Say Ava wanna go hangout with me today? Cuz I have nothing to do🤷‍♀️'Flora ask me

"Sure thing! But, I have to ask my mom first. And I'm almost done with my chores anyway =D" I replied

'Great!! Oh, wait lemme help you so that it will finished it in no time'

After finishing my chores by the help of my BFF Flora, now it's time for me to go hangout with her B)

"Mom I'm done doing all my chores, can I go and hangout with flora?"

'Sure thing honey'

"Great! Thanks mom" and I gave her a warm hug

'Don't forget to go home at lunch sweets'

"I will!!!"

'Bai, mrs. G'

'Good bye little angels'

And part to will be coming up =D

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Part 2 will be coming soon


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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