Tom Holland x Reader

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Inspired by You, Clouds, Rain by Heize (Lyrics are in bold)

Warning: shitty writing and maybe angst? i dont think so let me know

AN: This is my first imagine (and english is not my first language) so please leave comments about your thoughts and opinions! I also suggest you listen to the song as you read, for the feelz yk?


Sitting on your couch, looking out the window at the calm rain reminded you of the times when you were happy. Not just happy, but sad, excited, and nervous. The melancholy of feelings that you used to feel slowly washed over as you sipped on your afternoon tea. It’s been a few months since you’ve become numb. Numb to all emotion. Emotion that always seemed to embrace you just like he did. But what was once comfort and contentment turned into anxiety and worry; overwhelming you until you couldn’t stand to be in the same room as him. So that night, that inevitable night, with the raindrops softly knocking on the window, you two hurled hurtful words at each other. Regretful, horrible words that you slowly realized wasn’t true. Words you didn’t mean and words you would take back without a second thought if he were to ask you for validity. “Doesn’t matter now,” you sighed, standing up to take your empty cup to the sink. Setting the cup in its place, you blame the gloomy weather outside as you feel the urge to take a short stroll through town. With nothing else to do on a Sunday afternoon, you decide to satisfy your urges. Flicking the lights off and grabbing your favourite red umbrella, you step outside.

The monotonous ticking of the clock along with the soft raindrops reminded him of the best days of his life, and then the worst mistake of his life. After the destructive fight with his lover, the chaos left behind in his living room contrasted so greatly with the quiet rain outside that night, but it offered enough comfort for him to catch some sleep. Both were accused, and both overreacted, yelling and screaming as if it was a fight to the death. For him, it was a matter of life and death, although he didn’t know that at the time. And that was his greatest mistake: letting her walk out the door- letting himself lose. Sighing, he decided to stop sleeping through his sorrow everytime the sky cried. Yearning for some activy to help him feel alive, he looked around his flat. The umbrella you got for him on the one year anniversary caught his attention. ‘She loved playing in the rain. Why did she bother getting us umbrellas?’ He wondered as a slight tail of a smile formed without him noticing. Picking up the navy umbrella, he stepped outside.

It’s raining and I was reminded of you

Taking a left turn, you wonder if your heart will pick up pace- even a little bit?

He crosses the road, wondering if the lights are on at your place.

You pull the umbrella closer as you recognize the little cracks in the sidewalk near his flat.

It doesn’t mean anything

Looking up at your flat, he realizes that the lights are off. His heart slightly drops, confirming his disappointment. With another glance at your window, he turns around and begins his walk back with heavy feet, head down.

Hiding under the umbrella

You pass the gates that lead to his flat and notice a dull ache in your chest. You refuse to dwell on what it could mean as you keep your eyes on the ground.

I pass by your house

The red umbrella and the black umbrella move in opposite directions, never making contact, never noticing the other.

Hoping to feel how I used to feel then

Once you get home, you ask why did it happen? Why did it end the way it did, so brutally?

I think we used up the happiness that was given to us too quickly

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