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He sits on his thrown playing.... grinning, As he sits he plays with his sword between his fingers.

A peculiar sword actually it changes shape, What the KING commands the sword obeys.

"They'll bathe in there own blood this I swear.." you hear him mumble.

The guards so afraid you can hear them jiter. There's silence in the thrown room. The gaurds break a sweat not knowing what to do.

One brave soul speaks up "Sire, you'll need to sign the document soon"

He gets cut down on the spot.

They sit in an eternity of silence. Suddenly the 'KING' stands up and is now making his way to the window.

He throws his crown and jumps.
The thrown room now silent, only hearing the sound of the crown making noice as it rolls only to stop at the foot of the thrown.

"Finaly out of that room of idiots " our king says wile landing on his feet after jumping out of the window.

He then elegantly falls on to his face.

(Note : I stole my friends phone and was bored thus leading to whatever this is. )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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