Chapter 1

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Fin sit there at the table with a grin, holding back laughter as he watches Frank's crazy mate Tilda throw fit once again.

"This isn't my pack and I don't want to be here!" Tilda glares at Frank after being scolded by BJ as everyone at the pack dinner watches. Tilda knows how things work durn pack dinner. Knowing that no one eats before the alpha out of respect, but she chose to start eating just to disrespect BJ in hopes that he'll kick her out, forcing her to go back to her pack where she wants to be.

A deep growl rips from BJ's chest, causing the pack to go silent, having just about enough of Tilda and her disrespect. Over the past few weeks, BJ has been patient with her because she's Frank's mate, trying to ignore the disrespect she shows him and everyone else every chance she gets.

She refuses to accept BJ as her alpha and BJ doesn't want to make her submit to him because it's Frank's place as her mate to get her under control, but as her mate, Frank is too soft on her.

Fin watch, finding it all amusing as Frank glares at Tilda, saying something to her through the link the two of them now share after marking each other, causing Tilda to stand up from the table leaving the building.

Fin grin spreads as he waits for Frank to get up and go after Tilda like the lovesick puppy he is. He never thought he'll see the day that Frank would be chasing after a female, but that day has come and Fin enjoys rubbing it in Frank's face every chance he gets.

Fin watches as Frank let out a sigh before Frank stands up to go apologize to Tilda like he knew Frank would. "Bro I can get you a muzzle for that crazy shewolf if you need it," Fin says with a grin.

"Another word from you Fin and I'm sinking teeth into you." Frank glare over at Fin across the table, flashing him teeth, growing tired of Fin's jokes every time he has a problem with Tilda.

Fin grin widens but he doesn't speak another word, not wanting to have to deal with a lovesick Frank.

Frank glared at him for a moment longer, waiting to see if Fin is looking to test the waters. Once Frank sees that Fin isn't looking for a beating, he walks away from the table leaving the building going after Tilda.

Once Frank is out the building Fin starts to laugh. "I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that that crazy shewolf needs a muzzle," Fin says causing everyone at the table with him to laugh as everyone continues with eating dinner.

After the pack dinner, Fin walks with a few of the other males and females, watching some of the male's horse around as they head towards the packhouse.

"Me and a few others are about to head out, you coming bro?" Ryan the vampire asked, walking next to Fin with his arm around his mate Donna. Even with Ryan being a vampire, Ryan and Fin have become the best of friends over the passing months.

"Nah bro, I have border patrol duties tonight." Fin frown preferring to go out with the others than to be stuck on border patrol for the night.

"Well, I'll be sure to fill you in on all the fun you'll be missing tonight." Ryan grins over at Fin, making fun of him having border patrol.

"Yeah, whatever." Fin reach over pushing him, causing Ryan to let out a low chuckle.

As they all head into the packhouse to get ready to go out, Fin shifts into his grey wolf and head into the forest to patrol the Western borders.

As Fin walks through the dark forest, thinking to himself, he hears a deep growl ring out in the distance.

"Shit," Fin says to himself looking over seeing Frank grey wolf slowly stalking through the thick trees, heading his way. He forgot that he had border patrol duties with Frank tonight and now Frank is looking to give him a beaten for his little jokes at dinner.

Fin's Storm ((ON Hold))(#3 book of the Lycan series.)Where stories live. Discover now