Chapter 11

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As time goes by, I try my best to keep Kevin distracted as much as possible. Whether that's by keeping him dancing with me in the crowd of people in the living room, or going to get a couple of quick drinks in the kitchen whenever a stupid song comes on. Thankfully, it feels like he is feeling a lot more comfortable than before we left the house; however, it is a tad stressful for me. In between me dragging him back and forth between the two rooms, I keep scanning around, trying to find out where exactly Chilled is, just so I can keep him out of sight of Kevin.

When midnight starts to roll around, the drinks finally run dry and the people who have been dancing for the last couple of hours start to get a bit sloppier with their movements. The music stays loud with the bass making the room somewhat shake, but the lyrics to each song that comes on are clearly trying to stir up the hormones from everyone in the room. The high from the booze, music, hormones, and the actual highs from the kids that are coming in from outside had quickly started to take its toll on a lot of people, including many from my group. Thankfully though, Kevin wasn't one of the ones affected.

Much earlier into the night, Kevin had tried to make a move, putting his hands into my back pocket, but I had quickly put the brakes on, telling him nothing was happening yet. So, when everything in the living room started getting a lot more heated than I was comfortable with, he took my hand and led me up to the second floor, telling me to trust him. Most of the rooms seem to be occupied by the time we went up; however, Kevin manages to trick a couple out of going into one room, allowing us to take it. When we walk in, he quickly shuts and locks the door before taking my hand and leading me to the other end of the room, pushing open the old, dirty glass door and revealing a balcony.

Smiling, we walk outside and stare up at the night sky. The moon is bright, but you can easily tell that it isn't full just yet. However, that fact doesn't take much away from how beautiful it is.

Taking a deep breath, I lean over and rest my head on Kevin's shoulder after scanning the backyard, seeing that no one is left out there anymore. I can feel Kevin's smile as he leans his head on mine, looking up at the sky with me. "So," I start with a bit of cheer in my voice from all of the drinks, making me feel just a bit extra friendly and bubbly than normal. "Did you have fun tonight?"

Kevin chuckles a bit before wrapping his arm around my waist, rubbing my side. "I definitely did."

"I told you partying with the Angels wouldn't be that bad."

"I wouldn't really call this partying with the Angels."

"Yeah... It's going to a party both groups were invited to," I say, a bit more serious as I keep my eyes on the moon. "Which was why I don't get why this has to be a problem."

"Ze," Kevin starts before he turns his head and kisses the top of my head. "Let's not think about this or talk about this shit right now, okay? You were right... and the truce might be a good thing for both groups. For right now though, let's just-" before he could finish his sentence, we both heard his phone going off in his pocket, the music just barely being loud enough for us to hear over the music from inside.

He pulls away from me and I turn my full attention to him as he pulls out his cell and looks at who's calling him. His eyebrows scrunch up before he answers and put the phone to his ear. "What's up?... Wait, what?... Where is he?... Are you kidding me? How much did he have?... He did what and what?!... Fuck. So what? Does this mean the party's over?... Yeah, I guess... Alright, I'll be right there then. After we get him in the car, I'll look for Ze and we can take off." Shortly after saying that, he sighs and turns to me. "Joe and Spencer got a little crazy, and now Joe is passed out in the bathtub downstairs."

"What? How?"

"Apparently, he didn't listen to Jordan when he told us how to drink, so he was mixing his liquor for the last hour. Then, before the stoners came in, he and Spencer went out there and had a couple of hits. After that, he and Spencer got separated and he wandered into the bathroom. His chicken mask is in the toilet, full of vomit, and he is in the tub, passed out."

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