Chapter 1

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This year we were going to Ibiza for vacation. I was pretty excited since I could bring some friends. And with some friends I mean two. I instantly knew who, Sapphira and Flossy, my best friends. My brother, Jackson, could also bring some friends. Connor and Dylan. I didn't really mind they were going too, they were nice.

I heard the doorbell, it was probably Sapphira, because today was the day we would go to Ibiza. I ran downstairs to the door and opened it.

"LYDIA" Sapphira shouted, she put her bags on the ground.

"SAPPHIRA," I shouted back and hugged her. "long time no see." She was already been to Miami this summer with her boyfriend. And I haven't seen her since then. "Come in." I grabbed one of her bags and walked inside. We put her bag and suitcase next to the others. Dylan and Connor were already here and we'll meet Flossy at the airport, because the airport was closer for them to drive to than driving to us first. We walked to the living room where my parents and the guys were. 

"Is everybody here?" My dad asked, getting up from the chair. Connor looked up.

"Flossy is coming too, right?" He said. 

"Yup, we'll meet her at the airport." I said, I saw him blushing a bit, but nobody noticed. Lucky him. We walked to the hall and grabbed our bags before we walked to the car. My mom and dad had already checked the last things, so we walked to the car. My parents, Sapphira and me sat down in my dad's car. And my brother and his friends in his car. My dad put the suitcases and bags in the trunk and we drove to the airport. 

We parked the cars and all grabbed our suitcases. We walked to the check-in section, when suddenly I felt some arms around me. "What the f..." I turned around to see Flossy. She laughed and I hugged her. She said hello to everyone and then we checked in. Flossy said goodbye to her parents for the last time and then we walked to the passport control. Then me and my friends, my parents & Jackson and his friends split up.

"Where do you want to go? We have like 3 hours left..." I said. "You say something, Flossy. You come here very often." I said, she's often at the airport because she visits a lot of places for her YouTube account. She is a youtuber and quite a famous one. 

"Hmm.. I really like that little café over there." She pointed to a café which looked really cute. Well, we ended up at the McDonald's because the café was full. And almost every nearby restaurants too. We sat down at a six-person table, because the other tables were already taken. And this was the last one, so we were kind of lucky. I put my bag next to me on the couch and Sapphira and Flossy sat in front of me on the chairs. Sapphira and Flossy were getting some food, something for me too. I was just too lazy to walk and I had to watch our stuff, so I stayed at the table. I grabbed my MacBook and surfed around on the internet since there was free WiFi here. I grabbed my bottle of water out of my bag when I heard manly voices. I looked up and saw my brother, Connor and Dylan.

"So all by your own, sis? Have Sapphira and Flossy already left you, sad." Jackson said, I rolled my eyes. 

"Well, it is a wonder that those guys still haven't left you." Sapphira said, walking past him and sitting down on the chair. Connor chuckled. 

"Here is your food." Flossy said, and shove the plate with my food to me. "They didn't have the strawberry milkshake anymore, so you have vanilla." 

"Thanks." I said, Dylan sat down next to me and snatched my vanilla milkshake away.

"Hey?!" I said to him, he smirked. 

"Sorry, Lyd. I'm just thirsty." He said and took a gulp from my milkshake. I grabbed my milkshake back and stroke his hair. 

"Get your own one then, dork." He grabbed my bottle of water and smirked. I put my MacBook back in my bag and ate my food, Dylan stole some fries from me. After a while we had a half hour left so we got up and grabbed our bags. 

"Guys I have to go to the toilet." I said, everyone sighed. 

"Why didn't you go with us one minute ago?" Flossy said.

"Well I didn't have to pee then, now I have." I laughed.

"I'll go with you, because I have to go to the toilet too," Dylan said to me, "you guys can go to the gate in the meantime, we'll catch up with you." I smiled at him and the others nodded. They walked to the gate and we walked to toilet, which was a 5 minute walk. 

"Okay, I'll see you afterwards. We'll wait for each other, right?" I said to Dylan.

"No, I'll go away without you." He winked and walked into the men's bathroom, I walked into the women's bathroom. I went to the toilet and after that I washed my hands and checked my appearance in the mirror. I walked outside again and waited for Dylan. After five minutes waiting, he still hadn't come out of the men's bathroom. So I worried a bit. I grabbed my phone and texted him.

Where are you?

After another 5 minutes waiting he still hadn't come out or responded to my text. I looked on my phone, 15 minutes left. Jackson had already texted me where I was. I texted back that I was waiting for Dylan. I sent a lot more texts to Dylan, still no response. I hadn't see anyone went in or come out the men's bathroom yet, so he must be there alone. I texted Dylan again when I got a call from him.

"Dylan, where the fuck are you? I'm waiting for you like 15 minutes."

"Uhmm.. yeah. I'm locked in the toilet." I laughed my ass of.  It wasn't a toilet what had like open walls at the floor and ceiling, but the walls were up to the ceiling and floor.  "Hey, stop laughing, we're almost late for boarding. It is like a 20 minute walk." I looked at the time and saw we had 10 minutes left till boarding.

"Shit... Wait I'll get someone who can open the door. Wait a second." I ran to a cleaner who was walking towards the bathroom. "Uhm.. Sorry. A guy is locked into the toilet there," I pointed to the men's bathroom. "can you please help him." He nodded and walked into the room. I wanted to go after him, but then I realized that it was a men's bathroom, so I waited outside. Finally after a few minutes Dylan walked out of the bathroom.

"Jeez, how long have you been there?" I said, chuckling. "Like 20 minutes or something." He rolled his eyes and looked on his watch.

"Maybe it's smart if we run to the gate." I looked to the time at my phone and nodded. 

"Really smart..." We started running to the gate. We had like 5 minutes left and it was a 20 walk. Then it became quite crowded and Dylan ran too fast for me so I lost him. I looked for him, still running to the gate, but couldn't find him. Suddenly I felt someone grabbing my hand, I looked to my left and saw him smiling. We ran to the gate, Dylan still running too fast for me, and finally got there. I let go of his hand and grabbed my boarding pass and passport, he did that too and we showed it too the stewardess. While she scanned the tickets, I looked around and saw that we were the last one left. We looked at each other, chuckled and walked to the airplane. 

"Welcome, have a nice flight." The stewardess said, I shot her a smile. 

"Thank you." I looked at my boarding pass, which chair I had to sit on, 16C. We walked to the right chairs and that was when I saw my friends back. They all sighed.

"Where have you two been?" Connor asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Everyone laughed and I rolled my eyes. I sat down next to Flossy and Sapphira. Sapphira sat next to the window, Flossy in the middle and I sat next to the path. I grabbed my phone, headphones out of my bag and put my bag below the chair. 

"Where the fuck have you been?" Sapphira asked, she and Flossy looked at me. 

"Well, Dylan was locked into a toilet and he didn't get out so I had to get a man who could save him." They chuckled and nodded. I looked outside and saw that we were taxiing to the runway to take off. We finally got there and the aircraft started to take off, in no-time we were flying above New York. I looked to my left where Jackson, Connor and Dylan were sitting. Jackson was already sleeping, he always slept immediately. I did not, because sleeping in an airplane was quite hard for me. I saw Dylan looking at me and I shot him a smile. He winked at me and I looked back, smiling, at my phone. I put on my headphones and some music. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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