It's not like that anymore😟

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They both left for their flight about 10 minutes ago.

I know Tayson's is later but he wanted to keep every last second that he could get with Madi.

Sig left to hangout with Her friend so it's just Payton and I.

Speaking of I think he is mad at me. I'm laying down and he's sitting at the edge of my bed doing stuff on his phone. I didn't do anything wrong..did I?

I give him about 10 minutes before I decided to talk to him.

"Hey, what's going on?" I said in a soft tone going behind him and wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm fine" "Payton.." "It's just when you were all over Tayson" He put his phone down Next to him. I unwrapped my grip around him and made him look at me.

"what are you talking about?"

"when you had your arms wrapped around his leg-"
I interrupted him and let go of his chin.

"I don't have romantic feelings for him. We're friends. He is dating my bestfriend and I'm dating you."

He took a moment to think. "But it still hurt me to see you do that." He looks down.

"Payton I do that to everyone. You don't have a problem when I did it to Dylan, Chase, Jackson no-one until now."

"Yeah but it's not like that any more" he said getting up out of stress, pulling running his hands in his hair.

"What do you mean" "You're dating me now. I'm  your boyfriend. That stuff I'm not ok with anymore". "Payton" I say dragging his name looking down.

"You know it's only you I love.." I looked up to see how he reacted. He didn't answer.

"Whatever" I said low and got up to walk out of my room. He stopped me and took my wrist.

"what" I say stubborn "I'm sorry" he said barely audible.

"Save it, heard that a lot from you in this past month" I took his hand off of me and stormed out of my room. About 5 minutes later he exists my house.
Hey bebes. I noticed a bunch of y'all don't follow me WHICH IS OK. But I do a lot of updates telling you when I'll post and such so if you do it might help you out!!
Much love💓💓 

Payton Moormeier~You're My Everything♡Where stories live. Discover now