Chapter 1

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Emily's POV:

"Come on, get up you weak, disgusting, ugly bitch"

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to my 'wonderful' step dad. His name is Simon but he insists on me calling him dad. I hate him with a passion, all he does is sit infront of the television and drink alcohol all day long, but he makes sure that he bosses my mum and me around 24/7, and if we refuse we are punished in the most brutal ways possible. Why did my mum have to marry him?

Sorry, I haven't introduced myself, my name is Emily Smith. Smith isn't my real last name, but I was forced to along with my mum by my step dad. I dont know who my real dad is, my mum told me that the people he worked for made her leave him when she was pregnant with me. I am 15 and have the most horrendous life, I am beaten almost everyday for my step fathers entertainment. I am not a normal teenager, yeah I go to school, which is my safe haven, but I don't have anything else that a normal teenaget has, I don't have a mobile or a laptop and my room is just a children's bed that I am way to big for. I have long, curly, dark brown hair with hazel eyes. I am also quite tall and very skinny, I am either anorexic or I am on the verge of it. My step dad doesn't feed me, the longest I have gone without food is 2 weeks and when I finally got food it was a bit of bread and half an apple that had gone brown.

At school I only have one friend and that is Hannah, she is the only one that knows about what my step dad does to me and my mum and I made he promise not to tell anyone. I sometimes stay at hers if things get to bad at home and her parents don't mind which I am grateful for.

"Come on, slut, get up, I expect your chores to be done before you leave for school, I don't care if they make you late. You should of got up earlier." Simon said.

" I am up, and the chores will be completed. Just leave so I can get changed Simon."

"What did you just call me, I thought I told you that you are to call me dad, and hurry your mother has left for the shop to buy more beer and you need to hand wash my clothes before you go."

"I am sorry dad, I will be down in a minute to wash you clothes."

That's when I saw a hand come flying towards my face and then felt a sting on the right side of my face.


"Okay, I am coming".



Hey guys,

Thank you so much for reading my first chapter. Let me know what you think. If you have any improvements or ideas for this chapter or future chapters let me know.

Thank you

Emily McVey 1234

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