Highschool Party - Prinxiety

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Tw: Mentions of alcohol (it's a party with a bunch of idiot teenagers what do you expect?)

Roman's Pov

'I never should've let my brother drag me along to this party', I thought as we pulled up to a house with music blasting so loud, I could hear it out here in the car. I got out of the car and followed Remus to the front door. He opened the door and I was immediately hit with the stench of alcohol.

I grimaced, and reluctantly followed my brother into the living room. I looked around and saw a bunch of people already passed out on the couch. Turning to face my brother, I found that he had already dissapeared. 'Oh great. Now I'm here alone.'

I sighed and then walked into the next room where a bunch of people were dancing. "I guess this won't be so bad." I said to myself, before joining the rest of the people dancing.

I danced to a few songs and was actually having a decent time. I was thirsty, and decided to get a drink from the kitchen. I pushed past some people to get into the kitchen, and found a cooler with a bunch of drinks.

I was sifting through the drinks looking for a water or a soda. It didn't matter, just anything that didnt contain any alcohol. I froze when I  heard a familiar feminine voice call my name.

I looked up from the cooler and my eyes widened in panic. The voice belonged to Crystal, my tyrannical ex-girlfriend, and she was walking towards me, obviously drunk, with a crazed look in her eyes.

I quickly grabbed a can out of the cooler and bolted, I weaved my way through the crowd of dancing people and ducked down a hallway, checking to see if she saw where I went. I turned my head back and immediately crashed into someone, causing us both to topple over and land on top of one another.

I climbed off of the guy I knocked over and stood up. I got a good look at him when I helped him up, and he looked familiar. I knew him from somewhere, I just couldn't remember where.

"Do I know you? You look familiar." I asked, looking at his face to try to remember where I've seen it before.

His eyes flashed with something, it looked like hurt?, before he responded, "Dunno, my name's Virgil."

"My name is Ro-" I was cut off by Crystal's voice coming from down the hall, "Roman, Honey~ There you are, I've missed you~" I had to get out of here, but there was only one way out of the hallway, and that was past her. I hid behind Virgil until she got closer, then I ran past her and into the living room.

I was out of breath, and still thirsty, so I opened the drink I had grabbed and took a large sip. It tasted awful and it burned my throat when I swallowed it, I started coughing. I wanted to throw up, the taste in my mouth from it was so disgusting.

Suddenly, I felt someone grab me by the collar, and I was pinned against the wall a few seconds later. Crystal's icy blue eyes stared at me intensely, and I wondered why I ever liked her.

"Hey babe~" she purred, leaning in closer. I struggled against her grip, but it was no use, she had my arms pinned down with her iron grip, there was no escape for me.

"Go away Crystal, I broke up with you 5 months ago, get over it." I said, trying to talk my way out of this. She just leaned in closer, her breath reeked of alcohol.

"Aww, but Ro~ I've been lonely without you, I want you back. I still love you. I promise I'll play nice." She whispered in a flirtatious tone, her face inches from mine.

I wanted to push her off of me, but I couldn't move my arms. "You had your chance and you blew it, you cheated and manipulated me. I'm not making that mistake again." She didn't budge.

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