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A timorous but bright child, five feet and one inches tall for a ten year old, and ready to wake up to go straight to his books and read. In elementary school, he was very reserved and didn't like to be around people.

He was shy and many people didn't like him because he wasn't 'out there'. He was calm and collective and never had a girl cootie crush or a puppy love girlfriend and his mind was never focusing on that.

He'd be the kid left alone on the playground while the others play. He was the last one picked in teams and class groups. He was the kid that sat in the back where the noisy children were and he knew well to himself that it wasn't where he belong but he still sat there, ignoring his best to not let the noise get to him.

Rayan was currently sitting patiently in his seat as he waited Mrs. Barrymore to quiet down the pool of audience. "Guys, lower down your tone!" The teacher said. He squinted his eyes to get a better view of his teacher since he forgot his oval-shaped glasses on the dresser this morning. She was standing in front of the class and began talking when the room quiet down.

"Thank you for the silence, kids I would li-" Ding ding ding! She groaned lowly when the bell stopped and the students were starting to place their chairs and grab their stuffs from their desks. "Read 'Nathan Goes to The Park' four times for homework!" I gotta read tonight's lecture four times tonight, he thought to himself as he walked silently out of the classroom.

His chubby cheeks, that gave him no face structure whatsoever, were jiggling every step he took to walk down the crowded hallways. His thin, armpit length hair that were always braided in two neat braids swayed in the air when he turned to his left, facing his old, rusty, tiny locker.

Poor Rayan, he was slightly too tall compared to the locker which made him always uncomfortable when he'd stop by to get his things or his lunch box when lunch hour came by. Being five foot at his age was strange and compared to the other kids, the locker was colossal to them. Don't get him wrong, he loved being tall, he looks mature with his glasses but it brought him down at times.

He sighed quietly when he closed his locker, stuffing his books and notebooks and put his large backpack on his back. He began fast-walking down the hallway, emerges to the main exit and hops in the empty bus before anyone in his bus takes a bench. He would always do that, he hated coming to the bus late and having all eyes on him---it scared him. Could you imagine yourself having a fat baby face with oval shaped glasses, large ears, a scrawny body and everyone's looking at you when you get in a school bus? He didn't.

He sat down at the end of the bus, like he shouldn't have and placed his backpack on his lap as he watched the kids outside finding their way to their buses. Under five minutes, children came in; the quiet ones were first, sitting in the front, (where he should be), the irrelevant ones were sitting in the middle and the noisy one were beginning to populate, sitting a few benches from Rayan and already throwing a party like they do everyday---it drove the bus driver crazy. No pun intended.

Children were giving a strange eye at him before sitting in their seats, acting as if he didn't belong here, (which he didn't), but he doesn't understand because he always sat around here. He shrugged it off and continued to look at the row of buses outside, ready to leave.

The engine of the bus started, making his head turn and he faced a little girl that was surprisingly sitting next to him. He flinched and she turned back, looking at him as she clutched onto her school bag.

She was dark skin and her brown eyes were wide as an owl. She looked short, sweet and cute, her hair was covered with hair accessories. She beamed at Rayan, making her little beads in her hair bounce. "Is it okay if I sit here? I'm new in this bus." She said softly.

At first, he gave her a face. Not because he didn't wanted her sit beside him, but how he's surprised someone actually wanted to sit beside him on the bus.

He responded back with a smile and went back on looking at the trees from the window. The bus was rolling, stopping every six minutes to halt at someone's bus stop.

Twenty minutes past, and he hasn't talked to the girl since and she was still sitting beside him. She turned her head a couple times during the bus ride, trying to get his attention to start a conversation but he purposely ignored her, letting the silence give her his answer.

He was socially awkward and he didn't know how to talk to people--it terrified him just as much when people stare at him. He'd honestly love if he talked to the girl but he couldn't figure out a way how, he let his timid side take space and sat quietly, staring blankly at the window.

The bus stopped, making both of them jump in their seats. She quickly got up along with some other people in benches away from her's and she quickly put her backpack on her back.

She looked at him before walking out from the empty bus, "My name's Sandrina b-by the way, nice t-too meet you, see you tomorrow morning." She said quickly, almost like she was nervous to speak.

Before he could answer her, (like if he can)---she walked out and he turned to his left, looking at her through the window, as she started walking alone with her head down. Rayan knocked rapidly on the window, trying to get her attention.

She looked up quickly, spotting him, waving at her. Sandrina smiled and gave him a thumbs up as she stood there, watching the bus drive away.

The whole bus ride, she was all that he was thinking about.

Aye! New idea, new story. *shmoney dances*

I find Rayan so adorable in that picture. Well, first chapter.

It was kind of boring but tell me what you think.

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