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System Of A Down had just finished playing a show, it was a small show really, but they always give the audience the best of themselves and tried to make the show as energetic and entertaining as possible.

However, this doesn't just simply happen, as everyone in the band has their own pre-show ritual.

Shavo always has to smoke a joint or two to get things moving before getting onstage, he claims weed helps him focus more and gets his head straight.

John will not step foot on a stage before getting a pep talk from Sako, their drum tech and good friend. He always knows what to say to him to calm him down since John tends to get very nervous before playing a show.

Serj meditates, or at least that's what he calls it. He just closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths and he's ready to go. He'll sometimes hit the bong or snort a line of coke if he feels like it but he's very sure he's not dependent on the stuff and does it just to feel more energized.

And Daron usually smokes crack and weed to calm his anxiety and avoid panic attacks on stage. This of course, makes him act very different than how he normally acts.
When he is high, he's way more outgoing and isn't afraid of anything, he's pretty sure someone could set the venue on fire and he would only laugh and keep playing.

And that is exactly why Serj currently finds himself backstage locked in a bathroom stall with his makeup all smudged, covered in sweat, hair made an absolute mess and a huge boner beneath his pants.

"Why?", you may ask.

Well, he doesn't really know why honestly.

Everything was so confusing at the moment, one second they were getting ready to go on stage and the next one Daron just wouldn't stop moaning and humping his guitar and doing all of these sexual things.

Serj is definitely blaming it on the drugs but he just couldn't keep his eyes off him. He tried though, he really did, but the way Daron moved was hypnotizing and every second on that stage was extremely painful for him as he spent the whole time desperately trying to hide his hard on, but at the same time wanting to touch Daron more than he's ever wanted to do anything in his life.

Eventually, drugs did what drugs do and he just couldn't stay away from him anymore, he HAD to be close to him, to feel him.

At some point during the show, he managed to get behind him and unconsciously rub his slightly (very) erected dick against Daron's ass. Daron just leaned back into him and moved his hips side to side with the purpose of giving Serj some sort of stimulation. Both of them were too intoxicated to really process what they were doing.

However, Serj caught himself before it got too heated and realized that they were On A Stage in front of a few hundred people who would most likely start throwing things at them if they stayed in that position for too long, and focused on singing and jumping around instead, as he usually does.

The show was great, John was sitting on a couch backstage drinking a few beers with Shavo, who was high as a kite and starting to get a little buzzed, Daron was pacing around, still feeling really high and horny as hell, and Serj, as mentioned before, was locked in a bathroom stall, confused, high, horny and trying to understand why his dick was hard over a boy, more specifically, his best male friend.

He's never experienced feelings like these before. As far as he knew, he wasn't attracted to men. He had nothing against homosexuality or anything like that, but that just wasn't his case.

Or maybe it was.

His whole life, he's never looked at boys that way, much less gotten a boner over one.
He figures it's just because Daron is so small and fragile and honestly he can be quite feminine sometimes, and how when he talks about something he's passionate about his eyes suddenly grow 10 times in size and gets so expressive with his hands and where the fuck are these thoughts coming from?!
It's one thing to think your friend is hot and maybe sometimes fantasize about the things you could potentially do with him SEXUALLY, but to actually admit he makes your heart flutter in your chest every time you look at him is definitely not good, especially in this situation.

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