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The van didn't take long to drop everyone off at their respective homes. John and Shavo roomed together since neither could afford living alone, Serj lived in a very small apartment and Daron rented a one bedroom apartment two blocks away from him.

Serj woke up the next day with what must've been the worst headache of his life and a very strange feeling in his chest. He figured it was just the hangover so he went to get some breakfast and medicine for his head.

He started cooking himself some eggs and as he was making coffee, the incidents of the night before started coming back.
He started remembering the show, the way Daron moved, how he felt when he looked at him, and, of course, the incredibly awkward bathroom conversation with the younger. God, he couldn't help but cringe at the thought.

However, as awkward and cringey as it was, he still didn't know how he felt about the whole situation. Yes, he admits he was probably getting a bit ahead of himself by freaking out about it. Hell, he wasn't even sure about his sexuality for God's sakes. But still, confusion and instability were two things Serj was never tolerant of, he's the type of guy that'll always try to find inner peace, no matter the situation.

So he decided he was gonna call Daron after breakfast and see if he wanted to hang out for a while. Maybe seeing him would help him figure out if he actually felt attracted to guys, or if he had just gone through a weird horny crisis last night.

Naturally, Serj fell asleep watching the news and by the time he woke up from his power nap it was really dark out and he smelled awful since he hadn't showered since the day before.

He took a quick shower and dialed Daron's number. Even if it was too late for Daron to come over, he still wanted to check up on him.

It rang a few times before he finally picked up.
"Hello?" Daron said, he sounded sleepy and groggy.
"Hey Dar, what's up?" Serj said, scratching the side of his face out of nervousness.
Daron hummed into the phone and Serj could hear movement, he assumed he was asleep and he'd woken him up by accident.
"Nothing much, I gotta start toning down the whole drugs thing man, v'been sleepin' all day."
Serj chuckled a little bit, "Oh, sorry for waking you up dude. Are you okay though?"
"Yeah no i'm fine, jus tired." He shifted in his bed, "How are you? You seemed stressed last night."
Serj felt his stomach drop. "Me? Nah i'm good, I guess I went a little bit overboard with the drugs too." Serj said, hoping Daron would buy his terrible excuse for acting the way he did last night.
"Yeah, I, uh, I saw." Daron said, remembering their little 'moment' on stage, whatever That was.
There was a pause on the line until Serj cleared his throat, "Hey so, are you hungry? Cause I was thinking about ordering Chinese, if you feel like it. I haven't had dinner yet and I assume you haven't either." Serj said, trying to sound like he wasn't desperate to see him.
"Uh, sure. Yeah, I'll be over in a sec. I'm just gonna take a shower and, try to get the hangover smell off but yeah I'll see you in a bit."
Daron said, so nonchalantly. Serj laughed. It was one of the things that he loved the most about Daron. He just didn't give a shit about what anyone thought of him. He made him feel so comfortable. Shit.
"Alright D, see you."
Serj hung up wearing a smile on his face. He ran a hand through his hair and started getting ready.

Hey guys, just wanna apologize for the lack of content and for this extremely short chapter. I actually have a fever right now, so if something in the story doesn't make sense or if there are any typos or whatever, you can blame the dude that sneezed on me at the subway station the other day (and feel free to correct me, I'd appreciate it.)
Anyways, thanks for the support. I'm glad you guys are enjoying this story :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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