Day One

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' Experimentation' kept echoing through my head. I could hardly sleep last night. Visions of what might be done to me had kept me awake. Dr. Morozov sat on a stool outside of my cell; clicking his pen a few times as he watched me.

I fidgeted with the wires attached to little square pads that were stuck to my head. He was recording my brain activity. I think they're trying to figure out what it is that all of us can do.

Morozov stood from the stool and pushed a button on the machine next to my cell. A compartment in the ceiling opened and a scalpel dropped on the floor. I looked from the knife to Morozov questioningly.

"I would like you to demonstrate your healing abilities." He said plainly. My heart skipped a beat in a bad way. I hesitated before bending down and picking up the scalpel. I studied it in my hands before looking up at the doctor once more. He had his pen ready to write on the clipboard in his hands. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and cut a line across the back of my left hand. I held it up to show him and almost instantly the skin began to fuse back together as if nothing happened.

Morozov wrote on his paper and then typed something into the machine.

"Excellent," he muttered, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Now tell me," he begins, turning towards me. "Is this power one that you choose to use?"

I shake my head. "It's involuntary." I answer. He writes on the clipboard again. There was silence for a few moments. My eyes jumped from the doctor to my friends. Kate and Thomas were both hooked up to the same contraptions as I was.

Kate was standing with her eyes closed, and fire engulfing her arms. Pyrokinesis. The ability to control fire. I always thought it was one of the coolest things I'd ever witnessed. Thomas stood completely still in his cell. In the blink of an eye he was gone, and just as quickly as he had disappeared, he reappeared about five feet closer to the scientist writing down what he was doing. Teleportation. The ability to transport yourself from one place to another in an instant. I always thought that ability was one of the most convenient.

I scanned over where Cameron was to see him sitting on the ground, facing opposite of everything else. He still had his cuffs on. You would think that someone like Cameron would have something like "super strength". But he didn't.

"Now I'm going to start a few tests." Morozov said, ripping me back to my own cell and the stool I had been sitting on. My body tensed at the word 'tests'. It was almost, if not worse, than if he had said 'experiments'. These tests could be anything. My heart started to pound in my head.

"Tests?" I questioned quietly. Morozov made his way into my cell, followed by one of the guards carrying the strange weapon from yesterday, and began detaching the sticky pads from my head. I was too busy focusing on the weapon pointed at me in the other man's hand to hear Morozov's explanation. There was an exasperated sigh from the scientists and with a stern look from Morozov, the guard lowered his weapon.

"You didn't hear a word I'd just said did you?" The doctor asks. I shake my head timidly. Honestly I was quite embarrassed. Usually stuff like this didn't bother me so much. I suppose it was because I don't know what their motives were.

"These tests are going to allow me to figure out which of my planned experiments will succeed, and which ones I shouldn't bother trying," Morozov began. "But with healing abilities like yours, I doubt there will be very many that I can't do." I hesitated before asking my next question.

"What do you plan on doing to me?" The words came out almost as a mumble, and I was sort of surprised that he had understood what I said. He looked at me for a second before turning away. There was a brief moment before he turned that I thought I saw a shimmer of excitement in his eyes. It terrified me. He ignored my question and kept walking out of my cell and through the hologram without being harmed. The guard in the cell with me didn't take his eyes off of me, even when he was retreating from my cell.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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