It was a quiet night, Balloony sitting on the cliff edge, Rocky in his lap fast asleep. It was a quiet night, Balloony felt content. Things were calm, the stars twinkling in the night sky, the faint sound of the other objects chattering buzzed in the air. Balloony closed his eyes peacefully until…
Plip.Raindrops hit him and Rocky, which woke up the small rock and Balloony looked up. There was Cloudy, gray and raining. He was crying. Maybe he didn't notice Balloony.
"Cloudy, my Love…" Balloony stood up, Rocky in one of his arms.
Cloudy jumped, floating down to look at Balloony. "Oh… zorry Palloony…"
"No no, don't be sorry. What's wrong, my darling?" Balloony asked, watching Cloudy snuggle into his open arm.
"I'm juzd town…" He murmured.
Balloony pressed a kiss onto Cloudy's head. The softness bringing a small smile to his face.
"Well sit down with Rocky and I…maybe it'll help you…" Balloony carefully pulled Cloudy down, smiling when Cloudy snuggled him.
The space between them was non-existent, the air was comfortable. It felt nice and it did end up calming Cloudy down, Balloony lighting up when the white of his partner caught his eye.
"Dhank you, Palloony…I abbreciate you zo much…" Cloudy looked up at him, smiling a bit.
"Of course my darling…I hate seeing you so glum…" Balloony kissed his head again, making Cloudy giggle some.
The two sat their comfortably, Cloudy melting into Balloony's side as the stars danced in the sky. To Balloony, Cloudy made this night even better.
storage boxes | random writings
Fanfictionthings in my google docs lmao Some are long, some are short. Thats how it be Also their titles here are how i titled them in google docs (Ill add more tags as i upload more stories)