Chr.2: Graduation

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-Makoto's POV-

My hands reflexively covered my eyes, had we really been in there for so long that we weren't accustomed to light? I guess we were...

I had no clue what I was going to do when I was outside,
Would I check if my family is alright? Do I follow where the others want to go?
Will our lives go back to how they used to be?

I have no time to contemplate.

The doors finished opening with a booming 'clunk.'
I unsheath my eyes, the amount of lives it costed us to get out of here:

"Sakura, Celeste, Hifumi, Taka, Mondo, Chihiro, Leon, Sayaka... This is for you."

I really missed Sayaka.

I have 5 other 'friends' now, and I moved on from Sayaka. I had my eyes on a certain detective...
Who happened to have no clue about romance, so that's going to be interesting.

I let out a light chuckle before averting my eyes to the to the outside world.


Everything looked how it normally would, the sky was a bright blue, the sun bedazzled anyone who happened to step outside, and the grass was a lovely shade of lime!

Hagakure was the first to speak up.
"Dudes, this isn't right. Why is everything normal?"

"Why would we know, you pathetic bum!" A, quite obviously agrivated, Togami yelled out. "We came out here with you, McDonald's whore."

"Guys! Calm down! This is good, the world isn't despair-filled!" Hina said while cautiously standing in between them.

Kyoko and Toko just stood in silence, investigating their surroundings as if it were a simulation.

"I'm not a Mcdonalds whore! The aliens stole my burger from there... I've sworn to never get anything from there ever again!" Hagakure retaliated.

"Guys! Can you all just listen up? Tensions are running high, I get that. But if we want to get to the bottom of this, we need to work togethe-"

I was cut off by Kyoko.

"Junko lied. It is as simple as that."

"Kiri, it might not be that easy..."

"Is there any evidence otherwise, Makoto?"

"I guess not..."

Even Kyoko looked nervous, her stoic persona was cracking like an egg, that's a weird analogy...

Atleast our quarrel shut up Byakuya and Hagakure.

Or was it because Toko just happened to sneeze?

OK, I'm not going to do these for every chapter, I will only do ones that are important after this one. Cause nobody reads these most of the time, trust me, I know.

I'm really excited to write dialogue for Genocider Sho. She's one of my favourite characters and never fails to amuse me.

No real reason to write this A/N...

Well, I've wrote it now I guess!

I might post 2 in 1 day, I don't really have much to do so I'll draft a third chapter.

More ship stuff will happen in other chapters, I just don't know where to add it rn.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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