Plane rides to far away places.

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"Come on Mae, I'm going to be late for my flight!" I continued to yell. Why is she

not getting up? I ran up stairs to go check on her and see why the hell she wasn't answering me.

"Mae?" I questioned, lightly tapping on the door. Mae is my younger and very stubborn sister. My mom used to wake her up until she finally got the job she's been wanting. She has to leave at 5:15 am so I am now on waking Mae duty.

"What?!" she yelled. At least she's up.

"You're going to be late for school and I'm going to be late for my flight!" I yelled pushing open the door. "So, let's get a move on, shall we?" I put a sarcastic smile on my face as she rolled her eyes. I headed back downstairs to wait for her. It had been no more than 5 minutes before her blond hair could be seen bounding down the stairs.

"Ready for hell?" I questioned looking at her. She rolled her eyes and walked to my car, throwing her books in and slamming the door.

"Where are you going this time." Mad asked as she put her head in one hand and gazed put the window.

"College and this time it's the truth." I answered. I lied before saying I was going to look at a college but ended up getting drunk and never even making it to the tour of the school. I haven't really been trusted since. It wasn't entirely my fault. If a guy offers to buy you a drink you don't turn it down. Ever.

"Whatever." she replied.

We made it to Mae's school a short while after, I tried to say goodbye but she just slammed the door on me. I wonder what crawled up her ass. I drove out of the parking lot and headed to the Nashville airport. It takes about 2 hours to get there so I have sometime on my hands. I plugged in my phone and did what any rational person would do, sing out loud and probably scared every person who passed me.


Two fricking hours later I pull up at the airport, exhausted and ready to board. It's finally winter and I am so excited for sweatshirts! Yet I forget to bring one. Wow Sam. You're an idiot. As I begin walking into the airport (my ass freezing) , I have to find where I'm boarding and maybe some coffee. And a cake pop. I begin my search by finding coffee because I not supposed to board till 12am and it's 10:56am . Why are airports so cold? I wonder as I look for this coffee shop that's hiding. As I'm aimlessly walking around, I bumped into someone. Great.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I exclaim

"No worries!" She says with a bright smile and well what do you know, a coffee in her hands.

"May I ask I question?"

"Sure!" She answered

"Where did you find the coffee?" I asked sheepishly, putting my blond hair behind my ears.

"Right over there." She points to the left. I'm an idiot.

"Thank you!" I say as I walk to get me some fricking coffee. Nothing and I mean nothing smells better than fresh roasted coffee. I stand in line and wait to order.

When I get my coffee and my cake pop, I head down to where I am obligated to board. I sit and eat till my flight is called

"Flight 74 to New York, now boarding"

I get in my boarding line to be seated. When I finally sit, all I can think about is goodbye Alabama and hello New York.


My thoughts are interrupted when a boy about my age stands and looks at me.

"Uh yes?" I ask.

"Can you move so I can get into my seat?" He rudely asked.

"Um sure." I reply, standing to let the idiot through. He sits with a thud, puts his ear buds I'm and turns to look out the window. Rude. I put all my belongings away and listen tentatively while the flight attendant goes over the rules and how to stay safe. All the while, the boy hasn't removed his ear buds.

"Please turn off all cellphones and other electronics until told to do otherwise."

Should I tell him? Well, yea, I should. I tapped his shoulder but he wouldn't look at me. I tapped harder. Still nothing. I finally ripped the ear bud out of his ear.

"She said turn off your electronics." I said.

"I was going to. Fuck, I didn't know I was flying out with my mom." He rolled his eyes and looked out the window. Asshole. I mean, I don't want to die because of that pricks phone. I could feel the plane begin to lift. Finally.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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