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(Turn on until I say😉)
Olivia pov
I woke up to my annoying alarm clock going off so I got up and went to go wake up adian but he was already up.
"Why are you up so early"I said rubbing my eyes
"Jah woke me up him and his girlfriend were fuc-I mean freaking"he said
"Do you want breakfast" i said he shook his head "well go get dressed so u won't be late and ask ur brother if he wants breakfast"i said as i was walking out of the door
" I don't wanna tell him he's just going to holler at me can you please do it"he said I nodded my head and headed to his room.

I knocked on his door and waited for a response so I was about to do it again but the door shot open and it appeared X
"What do you want" he said and his voice was raspy and he didn't have a shirt on so I started looking at his tattoos "hello"he said snapping his fingers
"Uh-um do you want breakfast"I said. He said no and shut the door in my face.
"How rude" I mumbled and went into the kitchen and made waffles eggs and bacon. I turned on my Bluetooth speakers and turned one of my favorite songs.
(Turn on at 1:25 until 1:36)
Once my favorite part came i started singing it
"Ayo imma bring my friends around we bring em round the the town do it big like ayo I don't need the bull so leave the at ho-"I was singing until I noticed everybody was in the kitchen.
"Olivia you can sing" Adain said in shocked he said as I saw X in the kitchen to
"When did y'all come in the kitchen" i said embarrassed
"you sound good" adian said
"Thanks, ur food is almost done I turned around and started taking the bacon off the pan and giving the food to adian.
•Moments later•
I was sitting on the couch watching Netflix until I heard knock on the door.so I went to go see who it was and It was a group of teenagers.
"Um can I help you" i said because I didn't know who they were
"Who are you" a girl with red dreads said
"Who are you" I said
"They with me"X said from behind me I apologized and went back to the couch.
"I'm shakira" the girl at the door said.  I Introduce myself and we started talking while her boyfriend was upstairs with X

"So you and jah a couple" she said
"Who?"i said in confusion
"The boy with the blond and black dreads" she said in a duhh tone
"Ewwww no" I said while shacking my head
"I could see y'all a couple in the future" and when she said that I played like i was about to throw up.
"What's wrong with me"he said while walking downstairs. Me and Kira looked at each other and started laughing
"1st your not my type 2nd u be acting wired around me 3rd ur a man whore do you want me to carry on" i said he just looked at me
"4th you st-" I was about to finish until he stopped me from talking
"Ok ok we get it you don't like me " he said while sitting on the couch
"We're my man at" Kira said looking around
"He taking a shit" X said looking at his phone
Me and Kira looked at each other and  said ew.
We were talking until I got a FaceTime from my sister so I went into my room.
(Olivia in bold and Aniyah in regular)

"Heyyyyyy bitchhh"
Heyyy guess what
I'm talking to somebody and she makes me soo happy"my sister said smiling in the camera
What's her name
Well I'm gone call u back sis tell me more about it when I call u later
End of conversation

I'm so happy for my sister her last relationship didn't turn out so well her girlfriend cheated on her so I'm glad to see her happy again. I walked back downstair and sat with everybody.

🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 don't forget to vote don't be ghost reading

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