Not So Blind

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Quick intro...

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________I don't really know how to start this.. I guess I am just here? Standing in front of my mirror, looking at my ugly uniform. It was just so... ugly? I let out a grunt of disgust, scrunching my face up lightly as I sighed and walked out my door. I walked down stairs, once reaching the bottom, heading to the kitchen. I walked in, poured a glass of water, and chugged it down quickly. Flashing a look at the clock, I decided now was the time to head out. Walking out the door, I headed to school...


The walk was nice, very quiet and relaxing. Well, I take back quiet. As I was heading towards what seems like stairs, a bunch of loud crow like voices erupted from out of no where.

"Hey, It's JoJo!"

"Hey JoJo!"
"Hello JoJo!"

At that point, I blocked them out. I didn't want my parents to be, well, upset with me. So I shut my mouth, gritting my teeth and held in a loud yell at them to shut the fucking hell up. I continued on my way, down stairs, a lot of them, a lot. I let out a sigh of 'fuck my life' before walking down. As I was close to the bottom, some yelling startled me. I turned around only to be whacked. The wind was knocked out of me. I was speechless, or so, screamless. Not thinking of calling my stand out I was thwacked down a set of stairs. Then, I was smart enough to think.

"Scary Love!" I yelped as my stand appeared. Everything was spinning. Yet I could just make out the bottom.

"FUCKING SHITTING FUCKING SHIT!" I steadied my stand with her foot outstretched. The impact with the ground startled me and a loud screech came out of my mouth, a crack was heard and I tumbled like a tumble weed for a good 6 meters before coming to a complete stop. I began to rise, ready to beat the shit out of who or whatever knocked me. As I sat up a sharp pain shot up my arm, making me shiver from that oh so familiar feeling. I might have been lucky, it might have just been a sprain. But ouch. My eyes draped up around certain things before coming to a halt. A man was brushing himself off, his leg, obviously bleeding. Anger seeped through me as I held my arm, walking up to this man. I realized, maybe I couldn't beat him. But so fucking what, try me bitch.

"I would ask if you were okay if you didn't fucking knock me the fuck off my feet you trick ass bitch" I glared into his soul. He paid no attention to me, until he looked at me.

"Woman, you have a spirit too?" The distain in his voice was very, attractive?

"A what?" I tilted my head "OH! My friend! You can see her?"

He just looked, before looking around. Trying to figu-

I was shoved to the side. And out of instinct, my hand accidentally slipped and ploughed a bitch.

"Oh oops! Sorry you got in my way" I muttered as I turned away. And began to walk to the school, before stopping.

"She just shoved me! JoJo, do something!!!"

"Oi, dogsass, is there a nurse at the school?" I turned swiftly, ignoring the thirsty bitch as she whined and moaned like a fuckn' squirrel when it loses its nuts (teehee). I got a grunt in return, and headed on my way.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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Blinded by love<Jotaro x reade x Kakyoinr>Where stories live. Discover now