• XIX •

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The Prince was pretty firm on his word.  Making sure that the guard could feel his anger, whether that be by tone of voice, or with his actual actions.  Kihyun made Hyunwoo's evening miserable, being extraordinarily flirtatious with his fiancee in front of the guard, whether that be kissing her hand, or intertwining their fingers at just the moment Hyunwoo would be closest.  Kihyun always made sure the guard was watching, making sure he didn't look away from them.

It was nightfall, the guard was sitting in his room on the floor.  Legs outstretched as he massaged his thighs.  He couldn't help but replay the entire day, over and over and over in his mind.  Watching the pink hair he loves to run his fingers through be so close to him, but then far away.  Those beautiful grey-brown eyes, that are usually filled with all the light in the world, now looking at him with such mischief and pain.  The lips; pink, plush, and so soft, whisper to another so gently that he couldn't hear any details, but the Princess's giggle made his blood boil.  What could Kihyun have said to make her react in a such a way?  But the worst part, is the fact that Kihyun watched Hyunwoo from behind the Princess as he made her giggle.  Over and over and over...

He couldn't stand to watch any further.  He had managed to escape the young Royals to run to his room.  Where he hasn't left yet.  It's been hours since that moment, but he doesn't want to have a run in with the Prince again, and his acts of affection for the Princess.  He skipped on dinner, and the consequences of that were starting to affect him.  He held his stomach as it grumbled, yelling at him for neglecting his main source for energy.  After another angry grumble, he stood up from his floor, still holding his angry stomach.  However, there was a knock at his door which made him pause for a moment, staring at the door until another knock came directly after.  He opened up to see Hyungwon standing there.  The butler to the Prince bowed before straightening up and handing him dishes on a silver tray.  The moment Hyunwoo's eyes landed on the delectable dishes, his stomach let out another grumble, which he gave an embarrassed smile to the butler before taking the trays from his hands. 

"Sir Hyunwoo, I hope you are going to be alright tonight.  I brought this hoping to see that you were," the butler said formally.  "Is there anything else I can help you with this evening?"

Hyunwoo shook his head.  "No, but thank you Hyungwon, I appreciate you bringing this to me."

"Of course.  When you are finished, just leave them right outside of your door, I will have someone pick it up later," Hyungwon said.  "Good night," he added before bowing to the guard and leaving in the direction he came from.

Hyunwoo bowed back slightly as well before closing the door back to his room.  He looked down at the dishes and licked his lips before taking a stab at the beef on the plate.  If there was a way to categorize the sound Hyunwoo made when he bit down on the beef, it would have to be close to euphoric. 

After eating the food on the tray, and licking some of the plates clean, he follows Hyungwon's instructions and places the plates and tray outside of his door.  However, when he opens it he sees two figures a bit away down the hallway.  He initially assumes it was the King and Queen, but he hasn't seen them together in a few days.  It was the giggle that he heard that set his skin ablaze.  One figure pulled the other close, their two heads coming closer until it looks like they're kissing.  He quickly ducked back into his room and tried to shut his door back quietly.  He slid down the wooden barrier, knees pulled towards his chest as he put his head in his hands.  If this is Kihyun's punishment, he would like for him to stop now. 

Hyunwoo wants Kihyun, he wants the boy more than anything.  He knows what problems could lie ahead and most of them would affect Kihyun if they acted on their emotions rather than thinking logically.  The days spent in Olymporo only confirmed his feelings, made him understand what he was feeling, and finally heard from the Prince's lips that he felt the same way.  However, he also has realized that when Kihyun is angry, he tends to show it rather than speak about it, and this is where his punishment began.  The Prince isn't just saying he is angry, he is showing it.  His being angry, upset, hurt, and sad, all showing in his actions.  Hyunwoo sighed before standing up and crawling into his bed.  He closed his eyes, hoping to fall asleep quickly.  He heard the Princess giggle again before he finally fell asleep.

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