DSWTF: Is up with creepy old men?

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Goodmorning lovelies, 

What is up with creepy old men? I mean seriously it's like they're everywhere and you can't get rid of them. Where do they even come from? Are they made in a Creepy-men- r-us? I have so many questions. 

Have these men always been creepy? "Smile you'll look prettier" "what's a pretty girl like you doing here" "shouldn't you be doing something more ladylike" MIND YOUR BUSINESS AND STOP TALKING TO ME LIKE WHO ARE YOU?

I mean seriously, is it some sort of old men requirement. You can't graduate from old men school if you don't pass a 'how creepy can you be?' assessment. 

STOP telling me to smile

STOP thinking I owe you something when you open doors or do something seemingly kind for me. 

Now don't get me wrong I love small kind details but when they are followed by "What am I gonna get for opening that door for you?" or "cant an old man get some love?" and I proceed to ignore you, I get hit with the "fucking bitch".. BUT YALL NOT READY FOR THAT CONVERSATION YET.

STOP telling me I should find a nice young man and marry and settle. 

STOP trying oggling me with your creepy old man friends.

STOP.  this is NOT 1947.

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