Chapter Four - Operation complete make over

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"I'm so not doing that Vanessa". He shouts as soon as he hears the word revenge leaves my mouth.

I walk forward and gently grab his hand in mine. "Please Stephen".

He shrugs his hand out of my hold and takes a step back. "I'm sorry Vanessa, but I can't. This is my first day... Our first day for fucks sake!"

I huff out in indignation and use the only card he can't refuse.

"Twin code"

"Heck no!". He runs his hand through his hair agitatedly. "You can't do this to me"

Come on! Give up already!

"Twin code Stephen". I dead pan although on the inside my fingers are tightly crossed.

He paces the floor for a long time before throwing his hands in the air and weakly agrees. Making a big show of not being happy about it. "Fine! I'm in".

My grin starts slowly before transforming into a wicked smile.

"That's frigging creepy". He points to my wide smile and shivers. "So, what do you have in mind?"

Again, my chuckle starts lowly before blooming into a full fledge witch cackle.

"Stop that! It's creeping me out and I'm supposed to be used to your weirdness". Stephen shouts and smacks my head

It is lunch time and instead of eating in the cafeteria, I pulled Stephen into an empty class with me to convince him in helping me commit murder... Okay, the murdering comes later as I can't kill someone on my "first day of school", blah blah blah... But soon I tell you. Very soon.

For now though, I plan to damage whatever reputation he has and typically get him so frustrated that he would be begging me to put a bullet through his head. And what better way to start than sharing my beloved cupcake sprinkled with a little love - with him.

I explain the plan to Stephen and when I'm done, his face takes on a very proud expression.

"You learned well little sis". He pats me on the back twice and rubs his hands together, giddily.

"I know teacher". I smirk evilly and mimic his action. "Let the games begin"

We pack up the remaining cupcakes in the box and leave the chemistry lab. After checking that the others are still in the cafeteria and that the hallway is clear, we locate the drama and theater class with the help of a map that Stephen expertly read.

I try the door and frown when it doesn't open.

Damn them for locking the door!

Stephen pulls me away from the door. "Stand back student and watch the master at work".

He drops then opens up his bag and pulls out a small black leather case. He opens it to show off a complete and advance set of lock picking tools.

"Why do you have that in your bag Stephen?". I ask, not really wanting to know.

He shrugs. "Gotta be prepared for anything. Now shush, let me concentrate"

He lightly and lovingly runs his finger over them before exclaiming. "Ah hah! There's my baby".

Taking out a long, thin, stretchy thingy that looks like a hairpin, he puts it into the hole and jiggles it around a few times then turns the door handle and the door cracks open.

And This! Is why you recruit Stephen for a revenge plan.

"Voilà". He says in a terrible French accent and hurriedly packs up his tool case.

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