Love Spell (part 4)

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louie's p.o.v.

HOLY TAIL FEATHERS! She saw it. I'm officially done for. might as well go die now! I have always had the stereotype of a rebel inside of me, this wasn't the first time I vandalized something. But it was the first time it was about webby. AH STUPID STUPID STUPID!Why in the world did i right w + l? i'm not the only triplet that's under the love spell of Webby, both Huey and Dewey think she magnificent! its obvious shes falling for Dewey heck, she tried to kiss him! 

Webby was in a daze I don't know what she was thinking about. But I hadn't been thinking much since the fight. Most people say siblings have a unbreakable bond. I broke it. Huey and Dewey stuck together and left me alone. Webby knew we had a fight, but I hope she didn't know what it was about. 

"Earth to Webbs?" I said. Webby snapped out of her dreaming coma and repiled, "Agent 88 here!" 88 was her favorite number, because that was the year scorge found the Golden Tea Cup . "Agent 88 did you see-" "Nope!" There was a wrinkle between her eyebrows which was a sign she was lying. "Really?" "Um... listen Louie I don't like lying to you so i'm not going to i did indeed see the carving but only for a second i swear!" She saw it.

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