Plan execute Pt1: Kiribaku

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Kirishima [POV]

I sat on the couch in the commons room well I wouldn't really describe it sitting on the couch.  My head was resting on the floor and my feet were by the back of the couch so I don't think that counts as sitting.  I held my phone upside down in my hands as I was scrolling through the internet.

"Kirishima-" A familiar voice started, I looked up from my phone to see Mina standing over my "I was going to ask what the hell that you're doing but I don't really think that I want to know at this point"

"I'm chilling" I flashed her a bright smile, I don't know how long I've been sitting like this but I could definitely feel the blood rushing to my head.  She laughed sitting down next to me, how your supposed to sit on a couch.

"Is there a reason that you're sitting upside down?" she asked

"No, but you should try it" I insisted laughing she raised one eyebrow but spun around laying down in the same way that I was.  She looked over a smile stretching across her face.

"See it's fun" I insisted 

"It's a bit uncomfortable" she insisted but laughed "I'm already getting a bit dizzy"

"Really already, I've been sitting here for a while now" I responded

"I don't know how you can do it" she started to sit up but cried out in surprise as she fell off the couch.  She laughed.  I did the same.  She was about to say something but looked over by the hallway.  She laughed awkwardly again and scratched at the back of her neck.

"I should get going I was going to go to the store, nice talking to you" she stood up brushing off her pants

"Oh, okay then have fun" I smiled at her brightly showing my teeth.  She smiled back and left my line of sight.  I heard the door to the dorms open and close.

"Kirishima what the actual hell are you doing?" A loud voice asked making me jump

"Hi Bakugo" I greeted cheerfully knowing exactly who the voice belonged to

"'Hi Bakugo' doesn't explain what the hell you're doing" he snapped walking into my line of sight.  His eyebrows were furrowed annoyed

"I'm chilling on the couch what does it look like I'm doing?" I asked playfully

"It looks like you're being an idiot" he crossed his arms in front of his chest

"I don't know it's pretty comfy you shouldn't knock it till you try it" I shrugged sitting up and  turning around to face him

"I'm not going to try it" he snapped "I came here to ask you something"

"Ask away Bakubro" I smirked crossing my legs in front of myself my smile unfading

"Don't call me that" he scowled at me, I just shrugged. 

"You said you wanted to ask me something?" I raised one eyebrow not wanting to change the subject.

"Do you..." He faltered looking down at the floor, he seemed like he was doubting himself, since when has Bakugo ever doubted himself "Do you want to go to the movies with me tomorrow?" I felt my heart nearly jump out of my throat as my eyes widened with surprise.

"Sure" I exclaimed quickly, he seemed a bit surprised at my quick response

"Did you even think about it?" he asked 

"Nope" I shook my head my smile even brighter than before

"Okay tomorrow at 7?" he questioned

"Perfect yeah," I nodded, he sighed through his nose as he walked away looking annoyed but I don't think that he was.  He seemed a bit happy.

(A.N. sorry this is a really short chapter because I don't really know what else to do with this story  sorry for not updating this story in so long.)

Gay awakening [Kiribaku] discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now