Chapter 5

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It had been about eight to nine months since she was injured, and she was now all healed up. Her relationships with the Avengers were better but still not great. Now that she was all healed and didn't need any of their help to get around, they had sort of...abandoned her?

There were still a few snide remarks and just general sarcasm towards her. Harley hadn't changed at all. But things were better for lack of a better term.

It was July now and it was hot. Imrie didn't have enough clothes that would allow her to be comfortable in this heat. So, Pepper decided to take her and Wanda shopping. She was a bit reluctant because Wanda hadn't always been the nicest Avenger. But she agreed to go even if Wanda would be there and soon, she found herself at the mall.

She had been looking through tank tops when she felt a hand tap her on the shoulder. She turned to see Wanda.

"Uh...I was wondering if you could help me look?" Wanda said a bit awkwardly. "I'm still not really used to...well all this," she said gesturing around her.

Imrie gave her a small smile. "Sure."

So, she helped Wanda find a few articles of clothing and the two of them went to the dressing rooms where Pepper was already waiting.

Pepper gave the both a smile and asked if Imrie was alright. She nodded and pepper brought her in for a small hug. Imrie smiled into her should. Pepper and Sam (sometimes Peter) were the only people at the tower that knew she was a bit...touch starved she guessed. She required touch at least a couple times a day. Whether it be a hand to hold or an arm carelessly thrown over her shoulder, it was how she expressed love and how she received comfort and calmness. Her friends and boyfriend were also always there to offer her a hug.

Her and Wanda went to their respective rooms and tried on their outfits.

After they had purchased their items of clothing Pepper left the two to themselves while she went to answer a phone call. They knew she would probably be a while because it was probably SI business, so they decided to go get some ice cream.

They were both awkwardly eating their ice cream at one of the tables when Wanda spoke up.

"I noticed that Sam and Pepper are always giving you hugs or something of the sort."

"Yeah? What's it to you?" she asked a bit defensively.

"I mean no offense. I just...I need the same thing, you know?"

She gave Wanda a questioning look. "I need hugs and... I guess it's like my love language?"

Now that she thought back, she remembered seeing Pietro hold her hand when she looked stressed or pull her into a hug, same with Clint and Natasha along with some of the other Avengers. Maybe they had more in common then she thought.

After she didn't respond Wanda looked guilty at her lap before meeting her eyes again. "Look, I'm really sorry for how I treat you. But I want to be your friend Imrie. I just...I'm really sorry," she said genuinely. "Can you forgive me?"

Imrie reached over and took her hand. If they were going to be friends, they had to help each other, didn't they? "I forgive you Wanda."

After that the two were practically inseparable in the next few days. After the second Pietro followed his sister's example with a genuine apology and the three were starting to become really good friends a week after that.

Harley's POV

need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
We need to paint with all the colors of the wind

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