11🌟| You're Sick :(

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He's quaking he's literally panicking and he doesn't know what to d o. He ends up asking his mother for help, who obviously has no problem with it. Deku makes you food, holds your hand and rants about Allmight, and makes sure to gift you with plenty of kisses.

We all know Todoroki's an in built Heater and Cooler. He can use his quirk to your preferred temperature, and he'll do it. His affection for you doesn't waver, he's constantly kissing your face and giving you back hugs.
"Shoootoooo... Stoooop, you'll get sick."
To which he responded with a shrug, still attacking your face with kisses.

The poor guy almost blew up his phone when he found out you were ill. Then he almost broke down your door, scaring the shit out of your mother.
You were grateful he came, but all you could do was cough and reply with a hoarse voice.
"W- cough cough why'd you come over?"
"Who's supposed to take care of your wheezing ass?"
"My mom?"
"... Shut the fuck up,"
You started laughing, which only turned into a coughing fit. He rubbed circles on your back, a bit violently,  but you appreciated it.
"See? You're dying over here."

Once the guy heard that you were sick, I'm telling you he dropped everything and I mean everything, and sonic-ran the fuck to your house.
Once he got to your room, he lectured you about 'Keeping Healthy' like a worried father. In the end, he forced you to eat the medicine, insisting it's good for you.
He actually takes notes in class for you because he 'Values your education'.

BEEP BEEP, Overprotective boyfriend coming through!
He insists on giving you kisses, constantly peppering your face and not hesitating to do whatever you ask. Hell, if you wanted him to, he'd jump out the window and declare his love for you.
He even lets you use his clothes as a tissue, thinking it's cute.

This guy. This g u y. He's really fucking scared and by scared I mean-
"(Y/n) you're gonna die!!"
And then he just hugs you really tight, continuously doing ugly sobbing.
"(Y/n) I d-DONT WANT YOU DIE, I LOVE YouuUUuu!!"
"Denki I'm not dying!"
"SOMEONE CALL THE FUCKEN HOSPITAL!" He yells, his voice cracking from screaming so loud.
And when you have to assure him you're perfectly fine, just out of the blue, he's completely clueless as what to do. In the end he cracks a few jokes with you and shows you memes, because he's godamn amazing.

He's quite worried, and has difficulty concealing it. He skips school, if possible and stay in bed with you as you sniffle and ache. If you have a headache or a stomach pain, he has absolutely no problem massaging your temple or giving belly rubs. I'm telling you, go get a mans like Hitoshi.

After school, he makes sure to check on you. He's not very talkative, but he's more touchy than usual, stroking your hair and holding hands. Dark Shadow tries to cheer you up, ranting about random topics. Later, he makes soup for you, your favorite kind.

She stays with you whole time. She watches corny movies with you, and let's you snuggle with her under a blanket. It usually ends up in a tickle fight but that's fine with both of you.

She just laughs at you when she sees your snotty ass, to which you wheeze, confused, back.
"Kyoka come on! I'm sick."
"Alright, alright I'm sorry. "
She makes sure to give you plenty of attention, and occasional forehead kisses.
"It's your fault if I get sick," She sighs, reaching to cuddle you.

She has to go to school, but she makes sure to text you whenever she can. Almost immediately after school is over, she's at your house, banging on the door. It's almost like she got there by a 300mph car- oh
When she's there she's asking you how you are and basically being your mom.

She's very quiet, she's not sure how to take care of you. She manages though, and helps you eat your medicine, talking to you and holding your hand tightly.

What's that?
Once Mina gets to your house, she immediately starts screeching like you're in your deathbed. Since she doesn't know what to do, she does whatever you ask. If you need hugs, she's perfectly fine with giving you some! She's reluctant on kisses though, acting like you have the plague.

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