Chapter 1

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***3rd person POV***

It was a dark and stormy night in the
(L/n)'s home. Both metaphorically and literally. Little (Y/n) laid curled in her bed clutching her small stuffed dragon, with tears lightly streaming from her face as she cowered away from the thunder, as it reminded her too much of her parents shouts at her.

The harsh rain and branches brushing against her window frightened her, but not as much as the thundering roars from outside as the lightning struck. She began cowering further into her blankets and pillow, as another round of thunder rang throughout the night.

She couldn't take the scary noises anymore and decided to rush to her brother's room. Quickly ripping the blanket from over her body she held the dragon stuffy closer to her somehow. Running to her door she cracked it open, allowing the light from downstairs to flood into her room.

Her parent's voices were barely able to be heard as they sat at the dining table talking. (Y/n) pushed her door open a little more, only to freeze in fear when the squeaking of the hinges sounded out. Although with some miraculous force her parents didn't hear.

She stepped out of her room and quickly yet quietly ran to her brother's room. Opening the door just wide enough to slip her body in, before shutting it behind her.

"Alec.." she called out into the darkroom, only to receive no answer from her sleeping brother.

A silent bolt of lightning cracked across the sky lighting the room up just enough for (Y/n) to see her brothers form sleeping soundly on his bed... but also the shadows that lurked around her, looking as if they are waiting for just the right moment to reach out and pull her into the darkness.

The small girl clutched quickly ran to her brother's bed in fear as tears began spilling down her face in a more rapid motion.

"Alec!" She whispers a little louder while shaking him.

He mumbles and turns over to come face to face with a tear-stained (Y/n). Immediately he sat up in panic realizing she's crying. The thunder immediately rumbling the house just seconds after him sitting up. He quickly wrapped his arms just under her arms and pulled her up onto his bed with a slight struggle.

Her arms grasped around his torso and she let out her not so silent weeps. Alec began shushing her, while running his fingers through her (h/c) hair, in a calming motion.

Soon her cries calmed down, but her steel like grip never released his t-shirt. Sighing he lays on his back, where (Y/n) immediately begins to push herself under her brother, as to try and get away from the noise, and darkness.

"(Y/n), it's going to be okay, I promise.." he whispers into his small sister's hair.

She replies with a small whimper and attempts to push herself further under her brother. He lets her and after a few moments of silence, the girl's grip on his shirt released and her small snores are heard.

I promise...

After sitting a little longer with her, just to make sure she's fully asleep, he slowly wiggles his way away from her, and onto the floor where he stands tall and determined.

He reaches under his bed and pulls out a single dagger. Its blade, long and sleek, a good 6 inches. The glow was faint but with the slight bit of moon that somehow managed to show through the dark clouds, amplified its glow slightly. The colors that constantly change on the blade reflect onto Alec's face, and it only fuels the gleam in his eye.

Alec was unsure of where the knife came from. But when he was walking in the woods one night, he found it dig deeply into the trunk of a tree with a paper stuck behind the blade, with messy writing on it, it simply read-

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