Do you believe in love at first sight? Or loving someone without seeing him\her? I do well kinda.
I have brown hair,brown eyes,and I'm short. My name is Teresa. I'm 13 years old. I'm in this class called ASB ( Associated Study Body ). Well,long story short I fell in love with the DJ,Hayes, I never talked to him I just saw him, but I have feeling for someone else that I never saw,Chris. I knew Chris since 6th grade,but I never saw him. The only reason I knew he was real was because he is my friend's best friend. Now, I'm in 7th and I fell for Hayes without talking to him. There is a rumor that Hayes just wants girls to kiss nothing else.
Who do I like more? Is the rumor true about Hayes? Will I ever see Chris?
First story. Sorry it was short :-(
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