☆First day of school☆ = part 1*

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Hiya, it's me batmangirl11 here and I'm a just Tipacal girl living a ugh... life.

Well I guess I'll tell you about my first day of Middle School. I was so excited! So was my parents my bro... not at all he was all sad :(

" nyah..... (wich is a name he calls me) why do u hav to go to school?", bubby says (aka my brother 's nickname).

"Because bus I have to. Soon you'll go to school one day, and I promise ;) I'll come right back. " I asured him.

He can be so cute sometimes ( sometimes). When he's being annoying and obnoxious he's well, ANNOYING. But hey he's still my little bro I love him sooooooooo much. ^)

So any ways my mom came home from work and it was 7:15 am. I know, who comes home from work at 7:15 ?


She drove me all the way to the DREXEL HILL MIDDLE SCHOOL! Alot of traffic though. So ya, when it was time to go in side the school, I waved to my mom and bro. ( I could see tears in their eyes).... - -)

So we went into the autitoriam to go over the rules withe the principal.... blah blah blah. And we went ahead to our first period class. I HAD GYM OMG U LOVE GYM and i ♡ peps who like gym to but if u don't like gym and your reading my books love u to Boo boo's.

I got boo boo from my mom :p


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