
30 1 1

3rd pov

2 days later

"Mina!" Jin shouts,
"My doctor just called me!"

Mina's eyes widen, and immediately runs to the kitchen where jin is.

"What did he say?!"
"He said he found a new heart for me!!" Jin says, as tears start to form in his eyes out of happiness, just like mina's,
"Really?! That's amazing!"
"It is!"
"What else did your doctor say?"
"He explained some things about the operation"
"That's good! When do you have to go to the hospital?"
"I.. have to go tomorrow, actually.. I have to be in the hospital at 10am and the operation will start at 2pm"
"That's quick.. are you ready for a new heart?"
"I am! Because when I have a new heart I'll be healthy again!" Jin says happily, as a big smile forms on his face.
"Yeah, you'll be healthy again, I'm so happy for you!"
"Thank you so much princess. I couldn't have done this without you, I love you"
"I love you too, my angel"
"Why do you always call me angel?"
"Because you're an angel, my angel"
"You're so cute mina, I don't deserve you"

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