Chapter 4

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I should be sleeping but I cant sleep at all so... I'm doing this instead. I hope you enjoy it!

Izuku POV
I drop Suoh of to his school and started to think of todoroki.Maybe I should give him a chance. I still love him a lot and can't get over at how handsome he is. I need help with Suoh aswell. Ok! I'm going to tell him after class. I see Uraraka and say hello.

"Hey Uraraka"

"Hi Deku!"

Me and her are really close we tell each other everything. She knows about Suoh and loves to take care of him when I can't. She also knows who the father is as well.

"We need to talk Uaraka"

"Sure,is everything all right?"

"Kind of, I told todoroki that he is the dad and decide that he should have a second chance with me and Suoh."


"SHHH" I cover her mouth quickly.

"S-sorry Deku it's just I'm not sure about this."

"I think I'm making the right decision."

"Just be careful I really care about you and I don't want him to hurt your heart again."

"I know I'll be fine,I'm going to tell him after school."

Time skip
I went to use the restroom quickly so I can still talk to todoroki.

Todoroki POV
Hopefully Midoriya made his choice. I want to be part of his and my son's life.

"Hey,um...todoroki" said momo shyly.

"Hello, Momo"

"I need to talk to you really quick."

"Sure what do you need."

"I have had a crush on you for a really long time now and I think I have fallen in love with you!"

I felt my eyes get wider real fast. I did not expect that at all.

No one's POV
Momo grabbed todoroki's collar and pulled him into a kiss he didn't ask for.

Midoriya almost stepped fully into the room until he saw todoroki with Momo kissing. Midoriya left running to the gates of the school. He made it to the gates tears started to prick the corner of his eyes. He couldn't hold it in so he started to cry like crazy.

"I knew he didn't love me he was j-just using m-me(sniff) again. Then why did I fall for it. I should have t-t-trusted Uaraka. (Sniff) Of course I-I was wrong I'm always wrong about everything."

He called Uaraka and told her everything.

"Don't worry, I'm coming to get you I'll be there in 5 min."

Thank you for reading sorry this is a really bad  story I will do better next time I promise. Sorry if this is not getting interesting anymore or never was interesting from the beginning but I was running out ideas so I apologize for the bad story. Find out on the next chapter (if you want to keep reading)if todoroki saw him or not. Did todoroki like the kiss??? Will they get together or will Izuku still fight for him... most likely not  just saying. But thank you I hope you have an amazing day.

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