Chapter 3

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A horn honked a few times snapping me back to reality...Danny stopped with a bit of an annoyed look on his face, like he was interrupted from doing something...but what? Was he...actually going to kiss me!? I shook my head back into reality and headed towards the car.

"I-I have to go. See yew lateh Danny."

As soon as I got into the car I was met face to face with Erin. Her green eyes looking into my blue ones. Which reminds me...I need to find my eye patch. Digging around in my bag for it she still kept giving me a look as through the mirror.


I asked attempting to put on the pink and black cloth

"Yew know wot..."

She replied back. My face immediately when red as I knew what she was probably thinking.

"Wots the rule about Boys Sia?"

"W-We didn't do anything! Honest, he was just taking me to the Cinema...he wanted to catch a film with me..."

"Nice try but Cinema is the otheh you want to tell me what was really going on?"

"Nothin' I swear! He told me he was taking me to the Cinema. To watch a film."

"And YEW fallowed him!?"

"Yeah...he's my mate an-"

"Boyfriend or not, I was waitin' ages to pick yew up from school and what did you do? Went off with some bloke who wos takein' yew in for a few hot kisses and a shag. Look I don' even care...yew know wot boys will do to girls like yew!?"

She was practically yelling at me for wanting to go to the Cinema. That's crazy.

"Y-Yeah well wot about you? You go out with your mates all the' me mum. She's always bringing her mates to her house."

"I know wot I'm doin' and who I'm hanging around. Your mum's a slag."

She stops the car at that point. My eyes widened at that word.

I felt my heart begin to pound as anger boiled up inside me

"From wot I heard from Dawn dats wot she go' arrested fo'...bein' a slag an' mucking about wifh men. Yew're mums a slag Sia."

She repeated that word again. I still haven't figured out what it meant but I knew it was bad.

"Wot do yew know abou' my mum!"
I shouted pointing directly at her letting the anger explode out of me
"I never even go' time with her cos' she was workin' all time! So yew can' say NOFHIN!"
i felt my face become hot as the familiar lump in my throat began to form as i tried holding back my tears

"N-Now Sia wait just a-"


I opened the car door and ran inside going into a dark corridor to cry not even caring if I put in my eye patch on correctly or not. I was finished with this. Dawn leaving with Hannah, Murdoc smelling of alcohol and sweat all the time, D just being absolutely clueless and Russels' lack of presence...not to mention Noodle going through something, the only person that really notices me is that robot. Shes strange and creepy, I don't like her. She's always...staring at she's going to eat me. But at this point i didn't care at all. I huddled into a corner and let myself finally cry for my mum.

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