I Accept Your Deal

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Author's Note: This is a "what if" situation/story when Kamoshida blackmails Ann about their agreement. But this time, she agrees to this in order to keep Shiho safe.

WARNING: This chapter contains a graphic rape scene and is not suitable for younger people. If you can't take it, please turn back for your own sake! Another important note, I DO NOT SUPPORT RAPE AND NEVER WILL!!!! This is merely a story and not real life. Rape (and any other kind of sexual crimes) is one of the most disgusting atrocities in the world that anyone can commit, and the people who have done these crimes (or even attempt them) should burn in hell! So please take that in mind before anyone decides to accuse me of being some sicko. If anyone want more of this story or leave it as a one –shot, let me know in the comments.

So without further ado, here's the story.


Apartment 513

Ann wanted to avoid coming here at all cost, knowing what would happen to her she did. But after Kamoshida had called her and threaten to kick Shiho off the volleyball team, she had no other choice. Now there she was, standing outside of his domain and bracing herself for her incoming torment.

"You have to do this, Ann. For Shiho." She thought as she buzzed the doorbell.

The door then opened immediately, revealing the ephebophilic teacher with a victorious smile on his face. As he slightly led her inside the apartment, he hugs her from behind and presses up against her.

"I knew you'd finally come around." He whispered seductively in her ear.

Ann withered in disgust by this contact. "Like there was any other choice."

"You're so feisty tonight, for now anyway."

"As long as Shiho get to keep her spot on team."

"Absolutely. A deal's a deal, after all."

Kamoshida then leads her into his bedroom and locks the door behind him, ensuring her internment. "By the way, are you taking a birth control pill? You getting pregnant is the last thing I need."

"Of course I am. I don't even want to think about having a baby from you!"

He gave her another sickening smile while sitting down on the edge of his bed. "Perfect. Now, stand in front of me and take your clothes off. Except the bra and panties."

Ann couldn't help but tremble once he gave her the order, almost to the point where she can no longer breathe. She then proceeds to do what he says, and reluctantly discard her clothes. First was the school blazer, then her full zip hooded sweatshirt, next was the short plaid skirt, and lastly her red thighs. The young blonde stood there wearing nothing but lacy pink lingerie, trembling even more and feeling revolted with herself.

Kamoshida stares at her with a lustful look on his face, as well as began to grope her with his bare hands. She flinched at the deplorable contact on her body, but didn't dare pull as it would just irritate him. His hand then rose up to her breasts.

"Goddamn Ann, your tits are amazing. They're so big and soft, and the same thing goes for your ass. I have seen many of the other girls at Shujin, but their bodies are too petite or too flat for my taste. You, on the other hand, have a perfect hourglass figure that's even better than a woman my age."

He moves down to fondle her covered womanhood as he looked up at her face. "And your eyes have the most alluring shade of bright blue that I have ever seen. It's probably because of being a mixed-breed and a model. And your hair....."

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