Ch || 4

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"Hold me,
  Squeeze a little tighter 'til we can't breathe"

-monster in me by little mix


I rung the doorbell, nervous to see what was behind that door, even though it wasn't my family. 

"Coming!" said a female voice from inside, making me and Phoebe jump a bit.

The door was swung open and there stood a girl with green hair, which looked tremendous on her. Her make up was done beautifully and she looked absolutely amazing. I instantly recognized a resemblance of Phoebe on her. 

She looked at the both of us, before her eyes stopped on Phoebe.

"Mum!" she yelled inside the house, before turning back to us. Her hands flew to her mouth as she recognized the girl, before turning to me with the same look.

She recognized me as well?

"Yes, Lottie?" said a voice behind the girl. The older lady, moved ahead of her daughter and stopped when she saw the younger girl, whose sweaty hand was still clammed in mine.

"Phoebe?" The older woman's voice quavered, before she attacked the girl with a hug, as tears filled the lady's eyes.

I looked at them in shock.

"Mum?" Phoebe said as tears filled her own eyes. She threw her hands around her mother as she cried too. The green haired girl, Lottie, joined the hug, as I stood there, close to tears by the love that was surrounding my little Phoebe.

"Mum?" said the voice of another person, as I turned to the door. There stood another two girls. 

And one of them looked exactly like Phoebe.

"Phoebe?" she whispered looking at the girl, her mother and sister were hugging.

"Oh Daisy!" Phoebe said teary eyed, as she hugged her twin sister.

I stood there, too shocked for my own good.

Phoebe recognized her?

The other girl, next to Daisy, also grew teary eyed as she stared at them both sobbing into each others shoulder. 

"Fizzy, that's our Phoebe." said Phoebe's mother, sobbing into Lottie's shoulder. The girl, Fizzy, nodded as she smiled at her through her tears. She too hugged her little sisters.

"Thank you so much for bringing her back hom-" said Phoebe's mum, before she abruptly stopped. She was looking at me, her jaw dropping. 

"Eleanor Calder?" she whispered. 

And that was when I actually freaked out. 

"How do you know who I am?" I whispered, shocked out of my skin. Phoebe's mum, then pulled me into a hug. Phoebe pulled away from her hug with her sisters, before walking to me.

"El, when I hugged mum, every single memory flashed through my mind. And then I noticed something. You were there, in most of them memories." she explained, as I slowly nodded.

"Alright, but how do we know each other?" I asked Phoebe's mother. 

Before she answered, the front door opened and more people walked out, looking at Phoebe in shock. It was a small boy and girl, who were twins and two men.

"Jay, what are you all-" The older man was cut off.

"Phoebe?" said the younger of the men. His blue, electric eyes filling with tears. He had tattoos all over his hands and they suited him fantastically. He had brown hair and was brushed to the side. 

The two men attacked my Phoebe, who also hugged them back, pleased to see them. 

"Hi Dan, Hi Louis." she said pecking electric blue eyes', cheek. She also went and hugged the tiny twins, who squealed once they recognized her.

Then she turned to me and came to hug me. That's when Dan and Louis' noticed my presence and Louis immediately gasped.

"Eleanor?" he said softly, moving towards me. He put his hands on his mouth, looking shocked. That's when I noticed the ring on his ring finger.

As he made his way towards me, Jay ushered all the kids, and Dan, inside the house, leaving us alone. I was a bit creeped out, because how did they all know me so well? and why don't I remember them?

"Do you remember me?" he whispers, as he stands in front of me. I stared into his eyes, a slight frown on my face. I suddenly remembered a sudden memory of a song in the past. I shut my eyes as I thought of the lyrics.

where did I go wrong?

I lost a friend.

Somewhere along the bitterness.

And I would have stayed up with you all night.

Had I known how to save a life.

I opened my eyes and stared at him.

"I don't remember you." I whispered, the frown still on my face, as hurt flashed across his face. But there was something, as though I've known him for years.

"But... but I remember a song." I said back, looking into his eyes for an answer. He looked at me, hope filling his eyes, and a small smile playing on his lips.

"What's the song?" he asked in a hurry.

"'where did I go wrong?'" I sang softly. Tears immediately filled his beautiful eyes and he smiled the widest I had seen.

"'I lost a friend'" I continued, suddenly feeling a piece of my heart was being fixed back when my memories slowly returned to me. 

"'somewhere along the bitterness'" he sang along with me, making me smile at him. His hand reached out to slowly and subtly hold mine. It felt new, this feeling.

"'And I would've stayed with you all night'" we sang together, in beautiful harmony, over the sounds of the stillness outside.

"'had I known how to save a life'" he sang, his voice cracking a bit. I looked into his eyes as he slowly drew circles in my hands.

"'how to save a life'" we sang slowly and softly. Tears fell out of my eyes, as I realized exactly who he was. Every laugh we had, every ounce of love we made, every time we cried, every time we got pissed drunk, every time we'd fooled around, every kiss we shared, our first date, every hug we shared, every song we sang. Everything popped into my brain.

Even the time he got down on one knee for me.

"'how to save a life'" my voice cracked as well. I pulled him closer to me and kissed him softly on the lips. Our tears mixed with the kiss, and we both tasted the saltiness. Electricity passed through us as though it was telling me something. 

I remembered him. I remembered him clearly.

This boy was Louis William Tomlinson.

My fiancé.



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