Chapter Fourteen

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Ethan, Charlie, Lauren, and Ben all sat in a spacious but inconspicuous looking SUV just a mile away from the Rutherford mansion. The roads leading to the mansion were windy and surrounded by forest. They parked their car off the road and tried covering it with branches to hide it.

Ethan pulled out his walkie talkie. "Everyone in position?"

"Team one in position. Over."

"Team two in position. Over."

"Team three in position. Over."

A long and annoying static rhythm came over the walkie before- "Team donut in position and ready to chow down. Over." Before they went out Ethan could hear laughing on the other end.

"Um, team five in position. Over."

"Why did we have to invite them along?" he asked no one in particular. After Charlie told them the extent of what was waiting for them in the mansion, they realized they didn't have nearly enough people to take the Rutherfords down. So they had to call in the closest group of hunters that just so happened to be the Valentinos who never took anything seriously.

"Let's just get this over with," Lauren said.

They made their way through the forest and took up their position at the forest line just outside the Rutherford mansion. The other five teams were surrounding the mansion as well.

The sun still hadn't come up yet, but once it did they were going to make their move. Ethan kept his hand on his gun in the holster just in case anyone found out about the attack and tried to surprise them.

Only about twenty minutes before sunrise, a car drove up to the house. It was an old fashioned car that looked to be from the sixties. The man who stepped out was almost freakishly tall and wore sunglasses that covered up his whole face. Why someone would be wearing sunglasses before the sun was even up, Ethan wasn't sure.

The man strode up to the mansion with confidence in his step and walked inside the mansion. What also struck Ethan as odd was that he couldn't sense the man at all. He couldn't tell if he was a vampire, werewolf, zombie, or any other kind of nightwalker. Nor if he was a different kind of monster or even just plain human. It was as if the man hadn't existed at all.

But judging by the looks on the other's faces, Ethan knew the man existed. They were looking at him to see what the man was. Ethan shook his head in bewilderment. He had absolutely no idea.

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