Chapter 4

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"I look ridiculous," Vic confirms to her reflection in the mirror.

"I told you the green would clash with the school colours." Her mom is standing by her side in the tiny downstairs bathroom, applying her favourite nude lipstick.

"No. You told me it was, and I quote, "a bold choice"," Vic replies, trying not to cringe at herself.

After her mom's done fluffing up her own blonde blowout — she used to be a brunette — she does the same to Vic's flourescent disaster. "Maybe put it in a ponytail?"

Vic isn't proud of the teenagerish agh that leaves her mouth, but she's going to be late for school as it is, so there's no point worrying about something she can't fix in the next three minutes.

Her mom drives her up in her prius before she leaves for work, which is not something she'll be able to do often. The law firm she's working for is in the capital, about a 40-minute ride away, but she wanted to be there on her daughter's first day. Vic would complain about the childish smothering if she wasn't so secretly grateful.

She lets out a long breath once they make it to the parking lot. She spots Nadia and Samu parking their bikes just a few meters away, which helps calm her nerves a little bit.

"Victoria," her mom says, turning her daughter's chin toward her. "Don't let the bastards get to you. Remember who you are." Alicia looks at her with big brown eyes, not so different from her own, and pulls a smile out of her nerve-wracked daughter. "And give them hell, baby."

Staring across the artificial lake at the main building feels like déjà vu. Only now she's flanked by her only two friends, both unpopular outcasts, and the only thing giving her a modicum of comfort is wearing her favorite pair of worn black sneakers, which is pathetic.

Then Nadia starts to take off her hijab, and Vic has bigger things to worry about for a moment.

"What are you doing?"

"School policy. We can't wear accessories." Nadia sounds annoyed but resigned.

"That's bullshit!" Vic exclaims, louder than she intended. Heads turn around at the noise and the whispers begin. Way to stick to her plan of going undercover.

Nadia shrugs. "The principal made it clear that they would expel me if I wore it on school grounds."

"Just another one of their stupid rules," contributes Samu, who's been silent until now. He seems as uneasy as Vic, although obviously for different reasons.

Vic gets held up at the headmistress's office on their way to first period. Ander's mother wants to welcome her back personally and hand her all the paperwork she hasn't been sent yet. This is all unnecessary, if you ask Vic. She'd rather stick a needle in her own eye than be late to class and face going in alone while everyone is silent.

Unfortunately, Azucena has more in store for her. She wants to walk her to her locker, and meanwhile she asks questions regarding her mental recollection of the school's layout.

"Do you remember where the cafeteria is?"

Vic fights really hard not to roll her eyes. "Yes. Can I go now?"

"Victoria." Is that a hand the principal just placed on her shoulder? "I want you to know the school will do anything in its power to make you feel welcome. My office is open if you ever need to talk—"

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