Prologue: Hitoshi's story

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Author's Note:

Im honestly so hyped for this story. Though, its probably gonna be the written equivalent of trying to fuck someone with a clam for a penis. :)


The day was bright. The sun high in the radiant blue sky, casting light over the bustling city of Masutafu, Japan. The buildings vary in height, color, and age, people are chatting and rushing around the tall structures, appearing small and ant-like from an elevated point of view.

It's a particularly crowded and busy week day, unusual for this particular city. But what was to be expected after another villain attack had occurred, destroying a neighboring city, forcing the surviving people to flee and take refuge in Masutafu, or one of the other few neighboring city's.

A, rather loud, commotion breaks out in one of the many shops on one of the main streets of the overpopulated city, drawing peoples attention. Some gasped when a young boy was thrown harshly onto the uneven concrete below them, a tall, raging, man standing in the doorway of said shop.

The young boy attempted to get up, pressing his small, fragile, palms to the cement, and pushing with all of the strength he could muster. Which wasn't much in the grand scheme of things.

The tall, and very muscular, figure stalked over to the small boy, towering over the child. The people still spectating not knowing how to address the situation, if they were to attempt stopping the angered man, they could get severely hurt, but if they stood around and did nothing at all, the adolescent boy would most definitely get injured. A few people pulled out there phones, assumingly, to call the police, or some other authority figure, for help.

The man let out a dangerous growl, extending a hand towards the, now cowering, boy on the ground and plucking him up by his naturally lavender hair. His untamed mane being jostled as he was yanked up, letting an almost inaudible whimper escape his lips. The man holding him grinned with malice, turning back to the shop, to most likely continue his assault on the poor boy, when a hand was placed on him. He took note of how only two of five fingers were touching him. The man snapped his head to another boy, significantly smaller than the one he had in his grasp, and snarled.

The mans eyes narrowed, "What'd you want, kid." It was less of a question and more of a damand. The purple haired boy shuddered at his voice, making him smile on the inside. But, the boy to his right didnt seem affected by his cold tone, staring daggers into his very soul. The man was slightly unnerved but kept up his front.

"What I want," The adolescent boy started, his faded blue hair gently falling over his forehead, his crimson eyes shimmering in the beaming sunlight. He smiled, almost menacingly, titling his head to the side, "is for you to let him," he motioned to the boy still in the strong mans clutches, "go. Right now."

The man snorted, black, straight, hair bouncing as he shook his head. He smiled teasingly at the boy, "Or what? Gonna fight me?"

The blue haired boy shrugged, letting his extended arm fall back to his side. He never broke eye contact with the, rather terrifying, man. His chapped lips fell into a pressed line. He heaved a sigh. A light murmur left his mouth, just barely audible to the ears of the grown man. "I really didnt want to have to do this today." The people around them were slightly panicking, scared of what the man could possibly do to the two young boys.

The blue haired teen suddenly twitched his fingers, placing all five on the skin of the older man's forearm, his grin reappeared on his chapped lips, a crazed look finding its way onto his features. The man looked confused, before glancing at his arm to find his skin crumbling, breaking away into what looked like ash, and landing gracefully on the cool, concrete sidewalk.

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