The day i found krusty musty dusty krabs

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ToDay is The DAY i FouNd mY vEry OwN KruSty mUsTY DusTY krAbs, also shitty asf. I found a thingy that looks like a semi sircle but 3D. It was the perfect thing to be a restaurant. I deceided that i will recruit some good people to wok for me. I found someone with 8 legs and fot nose. His name was I think Squadward? Thats a very very weird name. Next I found a yellow thingy named "Spongeboob"? That's also a very very weird name btw he should mop my floors with his body. I might just make him paint my house with a tiny paint brush and not get it on stuff. Ok that concludicks my days. THankS To WHo EvER iS rEaDiNg My DiArY.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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