ToDay is The DAY i FouNd mY vEry OwN KruSty mUsTY DusTY krAbs, also shitty asf. I found a thingy that looks like a semi sircle but 3D. It was the perfect thing to be a restaurant. I deceided that i will recruit some good people to wok for me. I found someone with 8 legs and fot nose. His name was I think Squadward? Thats a very very weird name. Next I found a yellow thingy named "Spongeboob"? That's also a very very weird name btw he should mop my floors with his body. I might just make him paint my house with a tiny paint brush and not get it on stuff. Ok that concludicks my days. THankS To WHo EvER iS rEaDiNg My DiArY.
Krab Diarrhea
RandomThis is mister krabs everyday diary. Yeh he is a dumb shit that don't know fuck :)