Everyday is a Winding Road

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Olivia pulled the cover to her neck, turning her head and squeezing her eyes shut, trying to tune out the persistent feel of Fitz's kisses. She had stayed up late, going over plans for the cosmetics company she wanted to start and the plans for moving Isabelle to the States. It was well past three in the morning before she had finally crawled into bed beside an already snoring Fitz. Fighting to pop one eye open, she glanced at the alarm clock. 7:45. Groaning, she rolled over onto her stomach and pulled the cover up over her head. Sighing, Fitz stood from the bed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Isabelle stood in the setting room, putting the finishing touches on her braided hair. She wore a yellow, lace skirt and a white, chiffon blouse. Overall, the outfit was springy and modest although Fitz did frown at the sight of the strappy, brown heels on her feet. His paternal side was already beginning to rear its head. Reaching for the black beret on the sofa, Isabelle pulled it over her head, adjusting her black, large-frame glasses.

"Olivia is still in bed. I'll take you to school."

"What time did she even go to bed?" Isabelle grabbed her black, leather satchel, dangling it against her leg.

"I'm not sure," Fitz admitted, walking toward the door and holding it open for Isabelle. Patting his pockets to make sure he had the room key, he let the door close behind them. Silently, they walked down the hall and to the elevators, riding them down to the lobby. Outside, Fitz held the door of the Rolls-Royce open for her, letting her climb into the back before getting into the passenger seat. After telling the driver where they were headed, Fitz settled into his seat to watch the passing buildings.

"Liv is so happy with you."

Fitz twisted in his seat, glancing behind him at Isabelle. "I'm happy with her."

"Olivia needs that. She needs someone to love her and believe in her." Isabelle was quiet for a moment, staring out the window before whispering, "And not judge her. She needs to be happy."

"I think she is. She's definitely a lot happier now that you're in her life again."

"I don't blame her."


"I know my sister. She probably blames herself for leaving me, but she won't ever admit it to me because Olivia doesn't talk about what's wrong. She avoids it and buries it until it becomes a problem she can't run from. I don't blame her, though. Olivia isn't very strong. Not when it comes to my parents. She had to leave. For her sanity, she had to leave."

Fitz was silent, mulling over Isabelle's words. When they finally arrived at her school, he spoke as she was exiting the vehicle, "You're a perceptive kid, Isabelle. Olivia's lucky that you're her sister."

"I'm the lucky one," Isabelle asserted, closing the door behind her and waving at Fitz, "I'll see you guys at 4:30."


"Did you finally decide to wake up?" Fitz teased, entering the hotel room to find Olivia dressed and picking at a light breakfast of fruit and yogurt.

"Was Isabelle mad?"

"No. It gave us a chance to get to know each other. Now, she might be mad if you skip out on picking her up," Fitz smiled, stopping beside the table and bending to place a soft kiss on her lips.

"I won't miss that," she giggled, "Do you want to go look at the house today? I really hate staying in a hotel."

"I would love to, but I think we should include Isabelle when we go. It's going to be her home, too. Today, I was planning on meeting with the realtor to go over the paperwork for the building we were looking at."

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