R O B B E R: 20

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I came home and plopped my things on the sofa, I was exhausted. Just as I started to relax my phone rang.

"Hey Love, go get ready, your best attire-" he hung up quickly after that. I growled at the phone but reluctantly got up to get dress. As I did my hair all I could think about was that scene in Legally Blonde where Reese Witherspoon gets all dressed up to go on that date thinking she was getting proposed to only to get dumped.

"Lord please don't let that be me tonight." I sighed slipping on the elegant Chanel dress.

"My Love I'm home!" Calum yelled happily. Almost too happy. He saw me in the bathroom getting dressed and he gave me a smile.

"What are you so sad for?" He asked hugging me from behind.

"Why do you smell like another woman?" I asked pushing him off of me.

"Because you're a woman?" He said questionably.

"No, you don't smell like me Calum. I don't wear Estee Lauder." Yes I knew my perfumes, as should every woman.

"Sasha you're being crazy. Can we just go-"

"No. Are you cheating on me?"

"I'll explain everything-"

"No don't fucking talk to me, I fucking- ugh!" I screamed, my first emotion was anger. I was upset that I had given him every emotion I had left in me but he went behind my back and betrayed me. I tried to walk out of the bathroom but he blocked the way.

"Sasha it's not what you think. Can you just let me explain?"

"What did you accidentally get her pregnant and now you're forced to tell me about it? Does she know about me? I mean how could she not we're practically f-"

"Sasha Shut up!" He yelled, this was the first time that Calum had actually gotten angry and yelled at me. I felt hurt, for a second.

"Who the hell are you to tell me-" he cut me off.

"Sasha, remember when I broke into your house?" I stayed quiet remembering the days. "You gave me a chance to grow out of it, a chance to redeem myself. So now I'm asking that you let me do it one last time." I sent a glare and he smiled. "You wont regret it." He seemed cheerful while I was on the verge of tears. He grabbed my hand and pulled me all the way downstairs and to his car, which he had successfully bought himself. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before shutting my door and got in on the other side. I rolled my eyes but was a bit soothed by the minor affection. I crossed my arms and allowed myself to be taken to my doom.


We walked into a fancy restaurant and my eyes were met with a private table that Scarlett and her baby daddy were sitting at. I gave her a shocked look before connecting my eyes with a young blonde woman. She barely looked legal.

"Sasha meet Melody, Melody is my sister." My jaw dropped.

"What?" I asked i instantly felt guilt.

"A few weeks ago I was contacted by child protective services, turns out my mom had another child before she had died and they wanted to know if I could take her in. So with your approval of course I wanted to know if we could allow my sister to stay with us until she turns 18?" He asked. He looked a little nervous.

"Hell Yeah!" I said relieved. So he wasn't cheating. Melody gave me a smile and I reached out to shake her hand.

"I'm Sasha, Calum's girlfirend." Scarlett started choking and I sent her a glare.

"So you knew about Calum's sister and you didn't tell me?" I asked trying to understand and connect the dots.

"Yep, I knew, all along." She smiled and leaned into the man. Calum pulled out a chair for me and allowed me to sit down before pushing me in.

So we had a good time. I got to know Melody some more and turns out she was a very pleasant teenager and we enjoyed talking about some of the things we loved. Dessert rolled around and I was stuffed.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Calum said getting up. I sighed.

"So how did you and my brother meet?"

"He broke into my house." She choked on her spit. "I know weird but I fixed him up and now he's an amazing guy and I'm sure he'll make a great big brother."

"I hope so." She said she was starting to tear up and I reached over and grabbed her hand.

"It's okay. You're safe now." Just then the audible sobbing of Scarlett interrupted our feels session.

"This night is amazing. I can't take it." She wiped her eyes and blew her nose into the cloth napkin which rewarded her with disapproving looks from waiters.

"Sasha can you stand up?" Calum asked coming back. I stood up and pushed my chair in.

"I remember the night that I broke into your house. I was a severely low time for me, and I never really apologized for it." I scrunched up my face. "You gave me a second chance and allowed me to be the person I saw in my dreams. I never thought in my life that I would be where I'm at, and I know I wouldn't have been without your help, the moment I actually saw you I knew this wasn't going to be an experience to forget, you were patient and kind, and loving despite your reputation with others. But that made you very special." He got down on one knee and my jaw dropped.


"I tried to steal your microwave but you stole my heart. Will you marry me?"

"No." I said tears ran down my eyes as I turned and ran out of the restaurant, I wasn't ready for marriage.

The end

It went more like this:

"Yes!" I said jumping up and down. He slipped the ring onto my impatient hand and as soon as he got up I jumped into his arms. I showered him in kisses before staring to cry. "I'm sorry, I thought you were cheating."

"It's okay, that was a the plan."


"You know in every story the author has to make it look like the Man is cheating before he proposes that's what this author did." He looked down at me as I looked up at him. I looked up at the sky and shouted.

"Screw you Author! End the story now!"

The end
Lol despite what Sasha said I have one more chapter left in me. The last one will be the most important chapter in the history of chapters and you'll see why *sighs* anyhow. I've always wanted to do a Character Q&A (where you get to ask the characters questions and they answer directly in a separate chapter) would you guys like that? If so comment some questions. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button, all links will be in the description box below!

(I'm joking around. Love you guys so much)



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