I'm Stressing Out!😥😰

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I'm stressing out here guys!

I'm stuck between two things and I don't know what to do!

This is one problem I keep to myself, but hopefully you guys can help me.

If any of you have heard of the mobile game Inside Out Thought Bubbles, this is what the problem's about.

I don't know how to explain it, but I'll try.

Back in the days when I was younger when I had my old phone, Inside Out Thought Bubbles was my favorite game! I loved it so much. I loved everything about it-the music, details, characters, levels, the whole thing.

But after-I think a few months or something-taking a long break from playing and then deciding to play it again, that's when the worse started.

It got glitches!😱😱😱

The character's voice sounded like they were time-lasped, the memory ora's were the wrong colors, and every time I launched a memory, it would slipped through the other memories!

It was the worst thing to ever happen. And knowing that the game was no good, I deleted it off my phone-knowing it was the only thing I could do at a time like that. . .

But now that I have a new phone, I've been thinking of getting the game again, thinking that the glitches would be gone.

But now I'm worried, what if the game still has those horrible glitches, what if it keeps going one, what if others are having the same problem as me?!

And that's where I am today. . .

Stuck on a positive thought and a negative thought. . .

I don't what to do and now I'm also worried that this stress may cause me to have a panic attack!!!!!

Help me out here guys!

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