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Zach looks at you and widens his eyes

Sydney:what? It's true!

Zach:I mean, if I do say so myself I love myself some sex but you loved it

Sydney:you forced on me zach

Nick:you did force her

Zach:I didn't! She kissed me back

You stay silent

Nick:did you kiss him back?


Brandon: ok, we're not finishing this conversation. Lets go baby

You get out of the pool and walk back over to the bar to take another shot of vodka. When Brandon's not looking you drink straight out of the bottle and pretty much drink half of it. He turns back around and sees you chugging it so he grabs the battle of out your hand and puts it back where it was

Brandon:Sydney what the hell are you doing?

Sydney:I was thirsty

Brandon:so? You get a shot, not the whole bottle

Sydney: oh be quiet

Brandon: make me

He pecks your lips

Skip to the next day

You wake up alone in bed with a massive hang over

You have a hickey on your shoulder and a bite mark on your arm. You get up and go downstairs to see Edwin

Edwin:good morning sleepy head

Sydney:hey where's Brandon?

Brandon:I'm over here making breakfast


You sit down on the couch and out your head on edwins shoulder

Sydney:I'm sorry for with I did Edwin, it was an accident

Edwin:it's fine. The others can be mad at you but I'm not mad at you

You stay silent and stare at the blank tv

Edwin:Sydney can we talk?


Edwin:in private


You take him to the bathroom, shut the door and then sit on the counter

Edwin:so i've been meaning to tell you this for a while and um... i really like you

Edwin:like a lot and I've always wanted to do this

He kisses you and it feels like heaven so you kiss back

Ups And Downs ⇄ FlamingeosWhere stories live. Discover now