It was a dream

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as we made eye contact shock to see each other again in one day I woke up   because of my fucking roommate tae " bitch get your fat ass up" like I understand I'm short but where's the respect like why " OMG I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T STOP BEING FUCKING DISRESPECTFUL" i yelled from the top of my lungs as he laughed at how high my voice is " I'm sorry Mickey mouse I'll stop" he said rubbing my head " anyway we're late " Tae stated as he looked at my now red face " TAE WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU JUST WAKING ME UP " i literally want to chock him " cause I'm not a fucking alarm clock your lucky I stayed to wake you up " he said rooling his eyes " at lest we get to see Jungkook" I smiled " by the way Jimin you need to stop talking in your sleep " tae said laughing " I heard everything hun" I look at him and he looked at me the my phone ranged " it's Jin " I said scared  as I answered the phone" hello" all I her was heavy breathing "DON'T YOU HELLO ME YOU LATE AND THE DANCE INSTRUCTOR IS HOT AND TAE'S GONNA BE MAD CAUSE JHOPE IS THE DANCE INSTRUCTOR YOU BETTER HURRY UP" mama Jin's mean sometimes " we're coming"

**************Time skip*************

We arrived as we ran to the building I bumped into someone and o my God when I tell you I died I literally died i can't believe I ran into "Jungkook" I said as I stared " yeah that me " OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IM TALKING TO HIM"Jimin earth to Jimin" then I notice that I was actually staring and I ran I ran SHIT I RAN THE FIRST TIME I FUCKING TALK TI MY CRUSH I RUN AND IM LATE AND IM LOST AND I LOST TAE  *RING RING*  "hello" I said " hey Jimin"

"Who are you"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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