Middle Ground

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So close to the border
You've placed me there
So close to having you
It's just not fair.

Are you mine or are you not
Because my heart and my head are starting to talk...
They disagree on what should come next
Should I give it a timeline or accept what you've said?..

I know you're mine, but I need you to say it
To hold my face, look in my eyes, and tell me there's no more waiting
That you want me to be yours
And that you're all to me too
Not just something that's subconsciously understood
But spoken with words from you
I want you to say it to the world so I know it's true.

There's nothing about your love that I don't adore
You're everything I've wanted and eternally more
So it's not the way you treat or hold me that's a burden to me
It's that you're mine but you're not and I don't like this in between.
I want to be able to tell you I love you without a second thought
Everytime I feel it, everytime it needs to come out
But this middle ground makes it hard to do
When I leave do I say "bye, I love you", or "you have a good day too"
When I hold you do I do it gently so you don't think I feel the way i do,
Or do I hold you as tight as I can because that's all I want to do
Do I caress you every night because I just can't help it
Or do I face the other way some nights to balance it

I thought once I told you I loved you it would all be easy to gage
But now I'm torn between pouring my heart or playing it safe

I just want to show you how much you mean,
But how can I do that when you've placed me in between
In between "you're mine" and "not just yet"
It just fucks me up because my decision is set
I want you as my man and whatever else to come
I want to tell it to the world that this man is my one.

But I guess you're fine with this inbetween
Just remember when you put constant pressure on the middle it rips at the seams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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