Like a Moth to the Flame (Crowley x Male!Angel!Reader)

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Requests: I think it'd be awesome if there was more Crowley/Male!Reader fics out there. You do a pretty damn good job at writing and I think it'd be absolutely amazing if you did another one. :3 AND Hi! Saw your requests were open and decided to send one, since your fics are life. I was thinking about a male!angel!reader X Crowley, where Crowley figures out that a particular spot on his wings were an erogenous zone? Smut, of course, ensues. AND I have a little smutty request. I was thinking about a male!reader fic where the reader is locked up in hell (reason is up to you) and getting tortured by Crowley when Crowley realizes that pain is not the way to go and starts teasing the hell out of the reader (first really softly, then getting more intense). Only teasing, no penetration, for a very long time. Maybe in the end it ends in sex instead of teasing? I love your work!

Reader Sex: Male

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Crowley x Angel!Reader

Word Count: 2,645

Warnings: Angel!Reader, Reader being tortured by Crowley, bondage, tiny amount of oral, wing!kink, anal


A circle of holy fire blazes around you, shackles holding your wrists above your head so that your feet just barely touch the ground. Your clothes are tattered and soaked with blood from the wounds Crowley has inflicted on you. Crowley stands in front of you, playing with the bloody knife in his hands.

"Why are you angels all so stubborn?" Crowley asks, almost sounding bored, "This could have been over hours ago had you just answered my question."

"I won't interfere with Heaven's plans just to save myself some pain," you answer through gritted teeth. The cuts on your skin burn with pain, but you refuse to give in.

"Oh, so Heaven does have plans," Crowley says, "How do they concern me?"

"You may be the King of Hell, but you're a poor torturer," you tell him, refusing to tell him anything else, "I expected better from you. This is nothing."

"I don't understand why you want to protect them," Crowley says, "Didn't they force you out of Heaven?"

"They accepted me back," you tell him bitterly.

"Y/N, listen to me," Crowley says, tossing the knife onto the table littered with torture devices, "You don't owe them anything. They're only using you, you know that right?"

"They're my family," you say as Crowley steps into the ring of fire with you, "Why do you care anyway?"

"I've been asking myself that quite a lot actually," Crowley says as he reaches out to cup your cheek with his hand, "I don't want to hurt you, surely you know that."

"Says the man who's just spent hours torturing me," you retort.

"I know," Crowley says gently, his thumb brushing your cheekbone, "And I'm sorry about that." His features soften and an almost sad expression crosses his face in the dim light of the holy fire.

"You're not sorry," you tell him.

"I am sorry," Crowley repeats. Suddenly, you can feel your wounds healing.

"What are you doing?" you ask, unsure why he would be healing you unless he only wanted to torture all over again.

"Like I said, I never wanted to hurt you," Crowley says, "I know I'm a demon and you don't trust me, but you shouldn't trust those other angels either. I may be torturing you, but at least I'm decent enough to let you know it's happening. Your brothers and sisters are using you and you don't even realize it."

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