Chapter 1

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You are in a record store, browsing. You try and look for any Cribs records, but you fail to find any yourself. You sigh. Now you have to talk to the middle aged man working who will totally judge you for being a teenage girl in a record store.

You go up to the counter, and nicely ask. "Excuse me sir," you start. "Do you know if you have anything by the Cribs?"

He looks at you for a moment, doing a fake thinking face.

"The Cribs?" He asks.

"Yeah," you reply.

You watch him think for a moment, not even checking his computer for the inventory like you saw him do for someone a moment ago. You start to become a little annoyed and nervous. This man is totally judging you. He probably has every Cribs item known to man.
You start nervously sweat. He's so judging you.


After what seems like hours, he finally turns around and grabs something from a drawer behind him. He turns around and shows you a photo.

You look at it.

It's YOU.

You gasp, surprised. "Uhh, where did you get that?" You're just plain scared now.

"Well," he starts. "These guys called and told me to keep an eye out for you and to call them if I see you."

Your vision goes blurry. What guys?! You've never done anything bad in your life. Well, except that one time whe-

"Speak of the Devil." The record store man interrupts your train of thought. "There they are now!" He points to the window.

And there they are.

The Cribs.

Ross, Gary, and Ryan. Looking through the window at you. The last thing you see is them happily looking at each other when they notice it's you before you faint

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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