sick rocko x fem reader

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Rocko was sick as heck

Rocko was sick as heck

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"Babe?...." You had a mask on to provent the sickness
"H-hey" he sniffled
"You poor thing..."
You said caring so much
"I'm fine ' sneeze and cough' "
You put your hand on your hip
"Rocko you sick face it babe let me take care of you"
"O-okay do you mean like a nurse
You went to the bathroom and put on a nurse outfit dang you look good!
You put on high heels you hated them but oh well
You walked into his room his eyes turned to hearts
"Hello my name is Y/n and I'll be your nurse today."
You said
"Y-you look so nice Y/n! ' sneeze'"
"Thank you rocko!"
You bent over
(Kill me now) your clevige showing to his face you tool his temperature
"Your burning up rocko!"

End me

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