742 40 6

August 15, 2019
10 PM

User ID #6728

what a long daaaaaay

now u can measure the day

How incredible


There are many things you can do

1. U insult

2. U offend

3. U lie

4. U call me names

5. U sht

6. U fck

7. U can measure the day

WOW this is the new 7 deadly sins

How can measuring a
day becomes a sin?


I wonder how amazing u r

How u can stand urself
being like that

You're too much toxic

Toxic in ur




ewwwwy ewwww

I only want Seungyoun
and Hangyul

Unloyal hoe


And u don't care

Hangyul will be ultimately glad!

Hangyul will not like
someone like u

I'm a total package

With a smelly poop

And u don't have?

I bet hangyul's poop too

And don't drag him down here

That innocent angel shouldn't
be disturbed

If Seungyoun reads this,
he'll be hurt

Why would he?

He's the only one in my heart

Hangyul is in my mind

If Seungyoun will read this,
he'll be scared of u


Go on and tell him

I want him to know how
crazy I am for him

I'm just joking

He already knew

In your dream

No sweetie, I know it actually

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