We met again

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"Elizabeth..." Ciel gave me a look as he was holding my hand.

The look of worry and jealousy.

"C-Ciel! Um..." I stuttered and looked at his blue eyes and suddenly, he let go of my hand and hid it on his back.

"How are you doing? You looked pretty....the same." He gave a "fake" smile as he glared at how-are-you to me.

"...." I didn't answer his question as I also hid my hands in my back and nodded with a smile.

He nodded at me and walked away. He went near his butler, Sebastian.

"Ciel...." I looked down.

I can't hold it anymore.....

I quickly wept off my tears as I looked at Alois as he went near me with an amused look.

"Hey again, Lizzy!" Alois cheerfully said to me as he was skipping.

"H..hi..." I gave a slight response as I went near him.

"Hey, would you mind if I dance with you?" He gave me a smirk that Ciel never gave me before.

"Not really..." I responded. Alois cheered me up with his smile but I don't know why.

He suddenly held my hips and my hand and danced. I did not mind dancing with him. Wow, he dances more active than Ciel...

"This is fun!" Alois smiled at me as I gave him a fake smile back. I was dissapointed...that Ciel didn't ask me to dance...

After dancing, I was smiling and feeling a bit more active. I was cheered by Alois, actually.


I wish Ciel could be like that too...

6:38 p.m. Wednesday.

Dear diary,

Hello again, my dear friend. It's still me, Lizzy. It had been weeks since I didn't see Ciel, but still, he looked like he didn't need me...anymore...

Why can't he see that I miss him? Why can't he see that I waited for all this time to come?! Why?


I...feel better if he can act like Alois..I ..I wish he was like him!

I get it... I still haven't moved on...but...will he ever change?

"Hey, if you need me, you can talk to me inside my mansion..."

Those were the things Alois said to me as he kissed my hand.

Ciel.. is different than Alois..

Then why does Alois need him?

 Why are we separated?(CielxElizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now