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So for anyone who read the first chapter, which was meant as a preview, I didn't really know what I planned anymore and it dawned on me that my imagination went too far and this story wouldn't have been a short one. So ima redo this and finally keep my promise to Ben the hoe and finish this male reader x Mercy ff.

Will contain smut.

Have fun reading.


You sat in a small café, reading a magazine advertising perfume that would seduce any woman.
Chuckling, yet curious you turned the page of the magazine.
You sighed deeply while sipping your coffee and reading, you had the chance to leave earlier today from your studies which wasn't necessarily good for you. It meant more time yes, but more waiting time. Every Thursday you would come to this café at 2 pm. Everyday, since that fateful day. You recalled it when you looked at the door. When she walked in something had hit you, like an arrow. You knew it sounded oh so cheesy but it was as if you were struck by the arrow of love. She had blonde hair bound into a ponytail, she still wore her laboratory glasses over her blue eyes and a white lab coat. She looked so out of place yet so beautiful.
And now you sat here, waiting for her to go into the café again, as it was her routine, how you found out through multiple hours of research.
And today you could add some more hours to this waiting game.
Although you had watched her come and go every Thursday for six weeks now you've never gathered the courage to ask her out. What you did manage to do though was finding out what she did and you felt lucky when you discovered that she was studying medicine just like you and even at the same university. You felt a little guilty bumping into the people who were with her at the café sometimes, just so you could chit chat with them and eventually gain more knowledge about her as well.

You drank the last sip of coffee when the little bell rang, announcing the new customer. Your eyes went up and peeped over your magazine.

She was absolutely gorgeous.

Just like always, you thought and put down your coffee cup. You folded your magazine and prepared yourself mentally to maybe ask her if she'd wanted to go out on a date.

She hung her lab coat on a peg and proceeded to choose a desk. You knew that she would always pick the one near the window and if that one was occupied she would take the one beside you.
Normally the café wasn't too full of people and she could have her first choice, but today was your lucky day. The only other customer sat at her favourite table, she didn't hesitate to go over to the one next to you and sit down with a huff of exhaustion. She smiled at you as if apologizing, shyly you smiled back and avoided eye contact.
Your heart was racing and you hoped she wouldn't hear it. You had wished for this moment but now you couldn't say a single word.
You put the cup to your lips only to remember you had just emptied it. Embarrassed you pretend to drink and put down the cup again.
You felt like you were watched and when you turned your head she looked you right in the eyes.
You didn't know whether to look away or keep the eye contact, she smiled so softly at you that you just couldn't avert your eyes.
"Hey." She started, "I've seen you here quite often." You gulped, did she find out you waited for her?
"Y-yeah. Every Thursday." You muttered. "Just like me." She smiled again, it seemed genuine. "Really?" Your shirt collar suddenly felt very tight and you tried to loosen it up a bit. "Have you not noticed me the last days?" She asked with a slightly disappointed voice. Your eyes widened and your cheeks turned a soft pink. "I actually have." You shyly admitted. She looked relieved when you said that, "can I come and sit by your table?" She asked and you could only nod. Flustered you watched her take her bag and sit down right in front of you. Her blue eyes gazed into your soul and you shuddered at the sensation. "My name's Angela." She held her hand out for you, you took it and introduced yourself. "Y/N." You finally did it, you knew her name. A grin involuntarily formed on your face. "You're cute." She pointed at your face. "Sorry." You replied and pressed your lips together. "You know I've seen you here and I thought for a bit if I should talk to you, I was just too shy." She confessed and her face reddened but she stayed confident.
Her words echoed in your head and you couldn't grasp on them.

Falling For You (Male Reader X  Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now