Birthday pt3

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20 minutes later
Layla was finally awake
Mal gets her out and holds her hand
L-I need drink to make me better
M-Go ask daddy if you can have some fizzy
L-Why can't you be charge
B-Hello to my two beautiful stunning girls
L-daddy can I have fizzy to make me feel better
B-yeah lets go get some
Ben and Layla go to the bar and get Layla some fizzy and Ben some water and they go back to Mal who was talking to Evie and Carlos
L-Haha dada got water
Mal laughs
M-haha dada got water
B-haha mama got nothing
M-Not funny
Mal gets up and Layla follows her
M-how about we tip water over daddy
Mal laughs and gets a little bit of water and tips it over Ben
B-Mal? Wtf
Ben walks off
M-Uh Evie do you mind taking care of Evie for a minute?
E-of course
Mal puts Layla down And Mal runs after Ben
B-what Mal? What more do you want?
M-i don't want anything ben.. I've never wanted anything off of you!
B-Well you asked for a godamn kid!
M-Wow.. how could you even say that Ben
M-No Ben that was horrible to say !
Mal walks over to Layla
L-are you okay?
M-yeah darling I'm fine
Layla's pov-
Mommy wasn't really sensitive and no ones really seen mommy cry except daddy and auntie Evie ! But I could tell mommy wasn't happy
Mal sits down and Layla sits next to her and holds her hand
L-it okay mama it okay everthwing going be okay mama I love you lots it going okay
Mal hugs Layla and cries
L-No cry mama no cry no cry ! Why cry ma?
M-it's okay babygirl don't worry go enjoy your birthday okay?
Layla nods and goes and plays with people and they go home
M-come here Layla lets go give you a bath
L-In a min-
Layla quickly runs to Mal and starts crying and mal walks upstairs
Mals pov-
Ben has never ever ever shouted at or in front of Layla! And she's such a sensitive little girl and there was no need to even shout at her
L-mommy why did he shout at me ?
M-I'm not sure daddy's not to happy at the moment babygirl do not let that tear you apart
Mal holds Layla's hands
L+M-Because boys aren't worth it
Mals pov-
When I taught Layla that I said it doesn't mean it's to all boys but I said to Layla it took me long 9 months to make her heart do not ever let anyone destroy it in a matter of Time and me and her have always said it together because boys aren't worth being torn apart from
Mal helps Layla take off her dress
Mal takes off her bow and shoes and puts her in the bath and washes her hair and puts her in a little tank top and some shorts and  then lets her play whistle she showers and puts on a sports bra and jogging bottoms with a crop goo on over it and takes her downstairs
L-no not daddy again
M-No come on darling come on
Mal picks her up and puts her on the side whistle she makes her a bottle of milk
L-Can I have dummy?
B-Why do you need it? You have your milk Layla? What else do you need ?*rolls his eyes*
Be-Ben! I do not know what's gotten into you tonight but you will not and I will never ever let you talk down on your own daughter like that! I heard when you said about her asking for a kid that was a decision you both made maybe think about who your being me and your father certainly did not and never will bring u up like this! Layla .. Mal I'm so sorry that your getting treated like a lump of dirt by my son
M-it's fine
L-It not fine !
M-Layla stop please come on
M-Young lady excuse me?
L-daddy not being nice ! Member no boy worth it
M-Come on someone needs to sleep
Layla giggles and goes upstairs to her room and mal lifts her into her crib and turns her night light on
M-take your milk babygirl
Layla takes her milk and her pacifer was clipped on to her top with one them clip thingys😂
M-goodnight I love you
L-I love you more
Mal and Layla laugh and mal turns of her light and shuts her door and mal gets her phone and sits on the sofa
M-Your defintley not the person I wanna be speaking to right now Ben
B-No Mal please
M-what? What do U want now?
Be-we're going to sleep now guys
They nod and walk upstairs
B-Mal... I'm sorry I'm sorry I mean it I deeply  mean it from the bottom of my heart I shouldn't of said anything and I'm such an idiot for saying every thing I said to tonight I love you and Layla so much and I didn't mean to shout at her I lost my temper I wanted to be left alone for s but I couldn't
Mal hugs Ben and sits on his lap facing him
M-I'm sorry
B-There's nothing to be sorry about your the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world... did you know that?
M-I mean you keep telling me
B-Because it's true
Mal smiles
M-I think you should go kiss her goodnight
Ben nods and mal gets off his lap and puts the tv on and starts watching a movie and Ben goes to Layla's room and turns her light on
L-Ow eyes
B-sorry babygirl but Layla I want to speak to you
L-You hurt me and mommy
B-I'm sorry darling
Ben sits down on a chair next to her crib
B-daddy is really sorry I needed some time to chill out and I was so stressed because I have so much going on at the moment and I didn't know what to do so I took my anger out on you and mommy I'm sorry Layla
L-It's fine but can I come watch Film with you and mama ?
B-Sure aslong ss I get a kiss
Layla giggles and Jake gets her out and Layla kisses him and he kisses her cheek
L-I love you daddy
B-I love you to do you want your milk?
She nods and he gets her bottle
B-they're you go
L-tanks oh and blankey !
B-Mommy's got lots of blankeys downstairs we can use
L-No please daddy please
B-okay what one?
L-white  and pink one
Ben gives her the white and pink blanket
Ben picks her up and takes her downstairs
B-she couldn't sleep and she asked to watch a movie with us
M-aw okay
Ben puts Layla down and she goes to Mal and picks her up and Layla's head is on her chest and Ben cuddles upto Mal to
Bens pov-
Mals always been a snuggly bear to me 24/7 so I decided to do it to her 😂
M-Yes Layla?
L-it Boring
B-gosh I agree
Layla giggles
L-I want more milk
M-No Layla you wouldn't normally even have that much?
L-I thirsty
B-she's not drank much babe tho
M-okay okay
Ben makes her another bottle of milk
L-can I have a brother? Or sissy
M-maybe in a few years babygirl
L-why not now?
M-because it was only a year ago since I have birth to you trouble
She giggles
B-I'll try Layla
M-No you will not
Ben laughs

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